Simon Willison’s Weblog


May 2004

May 26, 2004

Javascript Closures. Notes on Closures.

# 4:52 pm

Notes on the comp.lang.javascript FAQ. Kind of like an appendix.

# 4:53 pm

May 27, 2004

XMLHttpRequest and Javascript Closures. Harry gets intimate with Mozilla’s XMLHttpRequest object.

# 12:23 am

Rejecting rejection letters (via) “Please do not regard this letter as a criticism of your qualifications in attempting to refuse me employment. I wish you the best of luck in rejecting future candidates.”

# 9:46 pm

TextDrive: An Offer [SOLD OUT]. Dena Allen’s new hosting service gets off to an impressive start.

# 10:57 pm

May 28, 2004

Rounded Corners with CSS and JavaScript. In which I attempt to show that you CAN have your cake and eat it too.

# 5:11 pm

FreeBSD Info Files. In HTML, Postscript, PDF and ASCII.

# 5:27 pm

EclipsePlugins (via) Eclipse is the only IDE I’ve ever used that has actually increased my productivity.

# 7:23 pm / eclipse, java, plugins

Building large strings in PHP. Unlike Python, concatenation is faster than array joining.

# 7:27 pm

An Intelligent Nim Computer Game, Part 1 (via) Implementing game AI in Java.

# 7:30 pm

May 29, 2004

How to debug JavaScript using MS script editor. This kind of comment is why I will never implement comment registration or anything like it.

# 4:12 am

Neowin Interview: Ben Goodger from the Mozilla Foundation. FireFox 0.9 will only be a 4.9 MB download.

# 4:35 pm

Sam Ruby: Détente. Absolute required reading for anyone with an interest in syndication.

# 7:53 pm

Time to fix those broken pages

I have a whole bunch of gripes about Internet Explorer, but my personal favourite is the way it will render a document served with a text/plain Content-Type header if it thinks the file might contain HTML. The direct result of this is that people with misconfigured web servers who are serving their HTML with the wrong Content-Type frequently don’t realise, so when users of better behaved browsers such as FireFox visit they get hit in the face with a page of raw source code.

[... 307 words]

May 30, 2004

plinks—a purple numbers variant

Via Tim Bray, I came across the concept of Purple Numbers. In a nutshell these are permalinks attached to every paragraph on a page which, to paraphrase Tim, make every paragraph on a page a first-class Web citizen.

[... 1,213 words]

Ubiquitious Fragment Identifiers. mnot reveals his ID anchors using CSS generated content.

# 9:06 am / mark-nottingham

A few more thoughts on plinks

From the comments on my plinks entry, it seems some people are seeing ugly green hash marks all over the place. If that includes you, you need to force-reload my stylesheet to ensure you are getting the copy with the plink hiding styles.

[... 444 words]

More Purple Haze. Jonas Luster is tracking the purple numbers discussion.

# 8:22 pm

’Purple Numbers" show a need for better linking tools (via) He’s right of course, but for granular linking to be useful it has to work in today’s browsers.

# 8:26 pm

The Internet Slum (via) I can’t decide if this is pessimistic, realistic or both.

# 10:50 pm

Id-Ego-Superego. Web service that adds ID attributes to HTML and XHTML documents.

# 10:56 pm

May 31, 2004

A note on testing classNames in Konqueror and MSN/Mac (via) Apparently running a regex on .className can cause problems if an element has no class.

# 12:09 am

Pink Numbers [dive into mark]. Because you can’t go wrong with even more blog clutter.

# 3:07 am

Daring Fireball: Security Cannot Be Spun. Apple’s communication handling of the recent security problem was atrocious.

# 4 am / security, apple, osx, daringfireball, john-gruber

Edward Tufte: Sparklines. An entire chapter from E.T.’s forthcoming book “Beautiful Evidence”.

# 5:05 am

Repro, Man. “... the age of Word’s code base has surpassed the legal drinking age in all 50 states.”

# 7:46 am

Solving the “silent data loss” problem in RSS 2.0 (via) RSS to take inspiratiom from Atom?

# 7:56 pm

Understanding Apache file permissions. From OnLamp’s A Day in the Life of #Apache series.

# 8:09 pm

Hackers & Painters (via) Paul Graham’s new book.

# 8:42 pm

2004 » May
