Simon Willison’s Weblog


July 2004

July 19, 2004

Digital Sports Photography Tips (via) Sports photography is a lot harder than it looks.

# 9:03 pm

July 20, 2004

Faking it: WordPress as CMS (via) Hacking WP to power a simple CMS is surprisingly easy.

# 1:31 am

Site-specific extensions

I’ve been thinking about per-site user stylesheets for a while now, but my colleague Adrian has gone one better: his All Music Guide Corrector extension for Firefox fixes their horrible JavaScript links, hides the useless Flash navigation and improves their unpopular “read more” links, causing them to load content on the current page rather than navigating to a new page entirely.

[... 211 words]

Password Recycling. Another reason registation everywhere is a train wreck.

# 3:34 pm

Netcraft: RSS Traffic Burdens Publisher’s Servers (via) Here comes the “can RSS scale?” question again.

# 7:40 pm

July 21, 2004

Wired News: Changing the Face of Web Surfing. They don’t mention per-site stylesheets or extensions... yet.

# 1:27 am

brian’s Guide to Solving Any Perl Problem (via) Can also apply to Python. My #1 Python tip: write everything in the interactive prompt first.

# 3:14 pm

WWW::Odeon (via) A simple API for screen-scraping the website.

# 3:27 pm

XML on the Web Has Failed. Mark Pilgrim concludes a theme he’s been following for quite a while.

# 11:19 pm

July 22, 2004

XHTML Frequently Answered Questions (via) Includes a trick for getting IE to accept XHTML served as “application/xml”.

# 12:17 am

Magical Trevor (via) Weebl’s latest earworm. Mighty infectious.

# 1:36 am

Hacks of all trades. If you haven’t heard of OhMyNews, you should read this. Now.

# 1:52 am

IEBlog (via) The Internet Explorer team have a blog.

# 4:42 pm

A Python Sidebar for Mozilla (via) Nice quick reference tool for Mozilla and Firefox.

# 10:23 pm

July 23, 2004

XHTML FAQ: please remove application/xml XSLT hack (via) Bjoern Hoehrmann blows it out of the water.

# 9:29 pm

Mozilla Adds Undetectable document.all Support (via) Twisty browser compatibility hacks just got twistier.

# 11:04 pm

July 24, 2004

Far more than you ever wanted to know about OS X networking. Fascinating look at some command line OS X configuration utilities.

# 8:53 pm

July 25, 2004

Rails (via) MVC web framework for Ruby.

# 7:32 pm

What if Mozilla were to win in the end? (via) Evidently bloggers and IE don’t really mix.

# 8:12 pm

NanoBlogger (via) A weblog system written in bash.

# 10:43 pm

Safari Developer FAQ. Useful.

# 10:44 pm

Rands In Repose: Messy Thinking. I want a cinema screen too :(

# 10:46 pm

Designing Extensible, Versionable XML Formats. Advice from Dare Obasanjo.

# 10:46 pm / xml, dare-obasanjo

Manifesto for the Reputation Society (via) Useful for work.

# 10:48 pm

The Internet Has Spoken. Remarkably dumb CNN poll.

# 10:49 pm

Office Space Soundboard. Someone had to do it.

# 10:50 pm

Updated FormProcessor code released. Now available through Subversion.

# 10:50 pm / formprocessor, php, subversion

Show of Hands. Or maybe IE users just don’t like to admit to it?

# 11:47 pm

July 26, 2004

New features in Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (via) Thunderbird is getting an RSS reader.

# 3:08 pm

2004 » July
