Simon Willison’s Weblog


July 2004

July 26, 2004

WORDCOUNT / Tracking the Way We Use Language / (via) Wouldn’t you know it, there’s a power curve at work.

# 3:14 pm

“My Beef With Big Media” by Ted Turner (via) Ted Turner speaks out against media consolidation.

# 3:44 pm

Sorry, you can’t do that. Poor Windows XP usability.

# 7:36 pm (via) “WordPress news from around the web”

# 8:58 pm

July 27, 2004

Worst Album Covers Ever (via) These are fantastic.

# 1:20 am

Barclaycard dumps Mac users (via) Two weeks old and already in the Google top 10 for ’Barclaycard’.

# 1:31 am

pMock: a mock object library for Python (via) This should add quite a bit of flexibility to standard unit testing.

# 4:32 am

Throwing Tables Out the Window (via) Doug Bowman: “There’s no longer any reason to use tables for layout”.

# 6:52 pm

Conventions over configuration. Making things flexible by convention.

# 9:31 pm

Dean outfoxes Hannity! Good to see Outfoxed is making an impact.

# 10:41 pm

July 28, 2004

Want your kid to disappear? (via) Quite simply terrifying.

# 12:53 am

World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools. The WikiPedia take on legalised child abduction and imprisonment.

# 12:55 am

Why you shouldn’t be using passwords of any kind on your Windows networks... (via) Recommends pass phrases instead. Seems like smart advice.

# 5:35 pm

Implementing XHTML 2.0 (via) Client side behaviour hacks have serious disadvantages.

# 8:38 pm

July 29, 2004

HTTP Caching & Cache-Busting for Content Publishers (via) I learnt a lot from this—especially the no-cookie domain stuff.

# 12:45 am

SCPlugin (via) Subversion plugin for the Finder.

# 1:08 am / subversion, osx

How to handle international dates and times in PHP and MySQL. Keith tackles a common point of irritation.

# 1:25 am

Jimmy Wales on battling wiki spam

Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia was interviewed recently by the Slashdot community. One of the questions regarded protecting Wikis from spammers:

[... 241 words]

Great Hackers. “Of all the great programmers I can think of, I know of only one who would voluntarily program in Java. And of all the great programmers I can think of who don’t work for Sun, on Java, I know of zero.”

# 3:01 am

Improving online credibility

If you’ve browsed Amazon’s product reviews recently you may have noticed an interesting new feature: Badges, little icons displayed below certain people’s names. This isn’t a new idea by any means—many online communities use special icons as rewards for members who make valuable contributions (SitePoint is a good example). What’s interesting about Amazon’s badges is that one of them is “Real Name”. Amazon’s Real Names FAQ explains the badge, and includes the following:

[... 230 words]

Interactive generators. Uche says generators are issuing in an exciting new era of Python XML processing.

# 6:19 am

July 30, 2004

76000-in-1 TV Game Power Player. A friend recently acquired one of these. Best. Illegal. Toy. Ever.

# 2:21 am

2004 » July
