Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 27th July 2004

Worst Album Covers Ever (via) These are fantastic.

# 1:20 am

Barclaycard dumps Mac users (via) Two weeks old and already in the Google top 10 for ’Barclaycard’.

# 1:31 am

pMock: a mock object library for Python (via) This should add quite a bit of flexibility to standard unit testing.

# 4:32 am

Throwing Tables Out the Window (via) Doug Bowman: “There’s no longer any reason to use tables for layout”.

# 6:52 pm

Conventions over configuration. Making things flexible by convention.

# 9:31 pm

Dean outfoxes Hannity! Good to see Outfoxed is making an impact.

# 10:41 pm