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12 posts tagged “wiki”


Thematic map—GIS Wiki. This is a really useful wiki full of GIS information, and the coverage of different types of thematic maps is particularly thorough.

# 21st October 2019, 2:25 am / wiki, gis, visualization


Looking for a modern day wiki for a group project

GitHub offers a wiki for each repository. It’s free for public projects (no need to upload any code, just create a repo and ignore the other tabs) of you can pay $7 monthly for private ones.

[... 87 words]

2008 Launched today, powered by Django—a combination of (mostly ex-Gamespot) quality editorial content and a massive structured wiki of every computer game ever released. This is going to be a lot of fun—all of the crazy detailed content that Wikipedia tends to reject.

# 22nd July 2008, 7:09 am / django, giantbomb, games, wikipedia, wiki


Jottit. Aaron Swartz’s latest venture: a complete rethink of the Infogami concept. Well worth checking out for the extremely thoughtful way it introduces features, and the way account creation with a password remains optional until you want to add access control.

# 16th September 2007, 9:43 pm / aaron-swartz, infogami, jottit, wiki, bitbots, usability, userflow, authentication

wikimarkup (via) “MediaWiki markup in Python”. I’ve always suspected that MediaWiki was like Perl; the only thing that can parse MediaWiki is MediaWiki. Not sure how faithful this Python port is but I’d love my theory to be proved wrong.

# 9th September 2007, 12:33 am / python, cursegaming, david-cramer, mediawiki, perl, wiki, wikimarkup

Wikispaces OpenID Support. You can create new accounts there, but they haven’t hooked up association with existing accounts yet (that’s coming soon).

# 19th July 2007, 9:23 am / openid, wiki, wikispaces

The Facebook Platform wiki (via) Not very well promoted yet.

# 13th June 2007, 8:52 am / facebook, wiki, f8

Warning, this is a bad site!

Unfortunately it’s not a glitch in the matrix—this happened to a friend of mine. If a site gets this warning and isn’t listed on it just means that Google have blacklisted it themselves—they don’t share their reasons with StopBadWare, and provide no mechanism to find out why they’ve blacklisted you. The link to StopBadWare is something of a red herring.

[... 135 words]

Wikipatterns. Great idea this: a wiki documenting patterns for successfully growing your own wiki.

# 17th February 2007, 12:51 am / wiki, patterns, atlassian


SubWiki (via) A wiki that uses Subversion for its data repository, implemented as a Python CGI.

# 16th December 2006, 7:19 pm / python, subversion, wiki

Google Code gets wikis and file downloads. Someone finally wrote a project wiki that stores its pages inside the Subversion repository.

# 16th December 2006, 12:35 pm / google, google-code, subversion, wiki

An S3 AJAX Wiki. Les continues to innovate against S3.

# 22nd April 2006, 7:09 pm / s3, javascript, ajax, wiki, les-orchard, aws