8 posts tagged “ssh”
Restricting SSH connections to devices within a Tailscale network. TIL how to run SSH on a VPS instance (in this case Amazon Lightsail) such that it can only be SSHd to by devices connected to a private Tailscale VPN.
Fabric 0.9.0. A Python-based SSH automation and deployment tool. Released today, 0.9.0 is finally the official “stable” release—which is good, as it breaks API compatibility with previous versions and caused me all sorts of confusion when I tried to learn Fabric recently.
How We Made GitHub Fast. Detailed overview of the new GitHub architecture. It’s a lot more complicated than I would have expected—lots of moving parts are involved in ensuring they can scale horizontally when they need to. Interesting components include nginx, Unicorn, Rails, DRBD, HAProxy, Redis, Erlang, memcached, SSH, git and a bunch of interesting new open source projects produced by the GitHub team such as BERT/Ernie and ProxyMachine.
jessenoller.com—python magazine. Jesse Noller has been sharing his articles originally published in Python Magazine. Topics include SSH programming with Paramiko, context managers and the with statement and an excellent explanation of Python’s threading support and the global interpreter lock.
ExpanDrive. Looks like this SFTP mounting application for OS X fixes the problems I’ve had with sshfs (which tends to freeze things up if you lose your network connection while using it).
Net::SSH revisited (via) Dependency injection (at least in Ruby) officially isn’t cool any more.
SSH ControlPath/ControlMaster. How to get OpenSSH v4 and above to re-use an existing SSH connection for multiple sessions, dramatically speeding up connection start times.
Secure wireless email on Mac OS X. Doug Bowman’s tutorial on SSH Tunnel Manager and wireless security.