12 posts tagged “slides”
Presentations: What tools does Patrick Van Stee use to make his slides?
That looks very much like Apple Keynote (used extremely effectively) to me.
[... 30 words]2013
What’s your opinion on sharing your presentation slides (online for anyone to access) after speaking at an event where eventgoers paid to hear you (and others) speak?
I think sharing slides is almost always the best thing for everyone:
[... 277 words]2012
Does PowerPoint has a mode, where I can show slides on projector and see the slide notes on my laptop screen?
Yes. It’s called Presenter View. http://office.microsoft.com/en-u...
[... 34 words]2008
When Ajax Attacks! Web application security fundamentals. Slides and notes from my talk on web application security at @media Ajax last Tuesday.
I love Zeppelins, and you should too (via) Slides from my PyCon UK lightning talk on Zeppelins. I’ve annotated them using SlideShare comments.
Building the Social Web with OpenID. Slides from my keynote at yesterday’s PyCon UK.
Advanced Django. Slides from my hour long tutorial at PyCon UK this morning. Most of the material was adapted from OSCON, but I also added a new section covering newforms.
CouchDb: Some Context. CouchDb developer Jan Lehnardt wrote up detailed notes on slides from a presentation he gave back in June, explaining most of what’s interesting about CouchDb (although without the new JavaScript function query language).
The Django Web Application Framework. I’m slowly pushing my presentations from the past couple of years up to Slideshare. This is a Django talk from April 2006, so it’s a little out of date.
OpenID Speech at Webtuesday Zurich. Good set of slides, along with the tidbit that local.ch (which had slippy maps years before Google) is implementing OpenID.
Design Comics Templates 1.0 (via) Free OpenOffice slides with cartoons suitable for use in technical storyboards.
Rails vs Django Paper and Slides. Even if you’ve already read the paper you should check out the slides. Really good flow, clear and clever use of diagrams.