Simon Willison’s Weblog


40 items tagged “safari”


Yet another one more thing... a new Web Inspector! I installed the latest nightly but I couldn’t find the inspector (or work out how to turn on the debug menu). Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

# 21st June 2007, 11:49 am / webkit, safari

Safari Beta 3.0.1 for Windows. A nice fast turnaround on fixes for security flaws in the beta.

# 14th June 2007, 9:56 am / security, safari, apple, patch

Safari for Windows, 0day exploit in 2 hours (via) Once again, down to handling of alternative URL protocol schemes.

# 12th June 2007, 1:30 pm / 0day, security, windows, safari, apple

Enabling the debug menu on Safari for Windows. “Turn off site-specific hacks” is one of the menu options.

# 12th June 2007, 1:18 pm / safari3, safari, apple, windows, browsers

Safari 3 Public Beta. Safari for Windows. Unfortunately this kills the best excuse corporate Web developers had for getting Macs (“we need to run all our supported browsers on one machine”).

# 11th June 2007, 11:06 pm / safari, windows, apple

Microformats Bookmarklet. Microformats bookmarklet, targetted at Safari. Uses jQuery CSS selectors for parsing, and generates .vcf vCard files using data: uris.

# 27th February 2007, 11:43 pm / microformats, bookmarklets, safari, jquery, vcard, datauris

How to enable session saving in the new Camino 1.1a2 (via) I’ve stopped spending time in any browser that doesn’t have session saving built in—sorry Safari!

# 15th January 2007, 1:49 am / sessionsaving, browsers, camino, safari


So long Safari?

All browsers have bugs—especially relating to fancy JavaScript stuff. Any truly complex web application is likely to run in to browser bugs, and fixing them takes a whole bunch of time. Bugs in IE and Firefox are pretty well understood, as are the workarounds for them.

[... 317 words]


Safari 1.3 has a JavaScript Console

My single biggest complaint about Safari in the past has been its terrible support for JavaScript debugging. Safari 1.3 has just been released, and tucked away in the Debug menu is a brand new JavaScript console option. It’s not as good as the Firefox equivalent (it throws up far too many “Undefined value, line: 0” errors for my liking) but it’s a big step in the right direction.

Maps released. Google Maps Safari support is being worked on.

# 8th February 2005, 12:03 pm / google, google-maps, safari, chris-wetherell