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Atom feed for ned-batchelder

17 posts tagged “ned-batchelder”


Find a level of abstraction that works for what you need to do. When you have trouble there, look beneath that abstraction. You won’t be seeing how things really work, you’ll be seeing a lower-level abstraction that could be helpful. Sometimes what you need will be an abstraction one level up. Is your Python loop too slow? Perhaps you need a C loop. Or perhaps you need numpy array operations.

You (probably) don’t need to learn C.

Ned Batchelder

# 24th January 2024, 6:25 pm / programming, python, ned-batchelder, abstractions, c


Here’s a common piece of advice from people who create things: to make better things, make more things. Not only does it give you constant practice at making things, but it gives you more chances at lucking into making a good thing.

Ned Batchelder

# 28th June 2020, 2:29 pm / ned-batchelder


Internet explorer mystery #1376. IE executes function definitions inside an “if (0)” block. That frightens me.

# 3rd December 2008, 9:04 am / ned-batchelder, internet-explorer, javascript

280slides and Objective-J. 280 slides uses an Objective-C clone written in 13KB of JavaScript. I have to admit I’m completely baffled as to why you would want to use Objective C instead of JavaScript, but evidently it worked fantastically well for them.

# 7th June 2008, 4:09 pm / 280slides, javascript, objectivec, compiler, ned-batchelder

Apache proxy auto-re-loader. Neat trick: set your 502 (Bad Gateway) error document to include a meta refresh tag, automating the refresh needed should a server you are proxying to be temporarily unavailable.

# 18th February 2008, 9:44 am / apache, proxy, metarefresh, ned-batchelder


Http-https transitions and relative URLs. Finally, a reason to use those weird protocol-relative URLs (// and the like).

# 18th October 2007, 11:57 am / urls, ned-batchelder, http, https

Stopping spambots with hashes and honeypots. Ned’s analysis of how spambots work, along with some relatively simple tricks that should fool most of them.

# 23rd January 2007, 1:39 pm / spambots, commentspam, spam, hashing, ned-batchelder




Python Parsing Tools (via) Ned’s compilation of Python parsing libraries.

# 30th November 2004, 2:53 pm / python, ned-batchelder

Code generation vs data driven programming

Via Ned Batchelder, this interview with pragmatic Dave Thomas on code generation closely reflects my own nascent thoughts on the issue:

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Ned Batchelder: Showing C header structure. Using Python to maked other languages less painful

# 4th February 2004, 1:19 am / c, ned-batchelder, python

Ned Batchelder: handyxml. Yet another XML object wrapper for Python, this time with full DOM method support included

# 26th January 2004, 2:52 am / xml, python, ned-batchelder


A better definition of Metadata

Ned Batchelder: Metadata is nothing new. Ned includes a far better definition of metadata than the standard “data about data” phrase:

[... 77 words]

Verbose Regular Expressions

Ned Batchelder describes Verbose Python regular expressions. This is one of the things I’ve known about (as in known that they exist) for ages but have never got around to using. I’ve been working with some pretty heavy regular expressions recently that could really do with the clarity of being defined in verbose format with comments.

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