Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged javascript, deno in 2024

Filters: Year: 2024 × javascript × deno × Sorted by date

How we built JSR (via) Really interesting deep dive by Luca Casonato into the engineering behind the new JSR alternative JavaScript package registry launched recently by Deno.

The backend uses PostgreSQL and a Rust API server hosted on Google Cloud Run.

The frontend uses Fresh, Deno’s own server-side JavaScript framework which leans heavily in the concept of “islands”—a progressive enhancement technique where pages are rendered on the server and small islands of interactivity are added once the page has loaded. # 12th April 2024, 3:49 pm

Astro DB. A new scale-to-zero hosted SQLite offering, described as “A fully-managed SQL database designed exclusively for Astro”. It’s built on top of LibSQL, the SQLite fork maintained by the Turso database team.

Astro DB encourages defining your tables with TypeScript, and querying them via the Drizzle ORM.

Running Astro locally uses a local SQLite database. Deployed to Astro Cloud switches to their DB product, where the free tier currently includes 1GB of storage, one billion row reads per month and one million row writes per month.

Astro itself is a “web framework for content-driven websites”—so hosted SQLite is a bit of an unexpected product from them, though it does broadly fit the ecosystem they are building.

This approach reminds me of how Deno K/V works—another local SQLite storage solution that offers a proprietary cloud hosted option for deployment. # 12th March 2024, 6:02 pm

The first four Val Town runtimes (via) Val Town solves one of my favourite technical problems: how to run untrusted code in a safe sandbox. They’re on their fourth iteration of this now, currently using a Node.js application that launches Deno sub-processes using the deno-vm npm package and runs code in those, taking advantage of the Deno sandboxing mechanism and terminating processes that take too long in order to protect against while(true) style attacks. # 8th February 2024, 6:38 pm