Simon Willison’s Weblog


10 items tagged “progressive-enhancement”


Reckoning. Alex Russell is a self-confessed Cassandra - doomed to speak truth that the wider Web industry stubbornly ignores. With this latest series of posts he is spitting fire.

The series is an "investigation into JavaScript-first frontend culture and how it broke US public services", in four parts.

In Part 2 — Object Lesson Alex profiles BenefitsCal, the California state portal for accessing SNAP food benefits (aka "food stamps"). On a 9Mbps connection, as can be expected in rural parts of California with populations most likely to need these services, the site takes 29.5 seconds to become usefully interactive, fetching more than 20MB of JavaScript (which isn't even correctly compressed) for a giant SPA that incoroprates React, Vue, the AWS JavaScript SDK, six user-agent parsing libraries and a whole lot more.

It doesn't have to be like this!, the Code for America alternative to BenefitsCal, becomes interactive after 4 seconds. Despite not being the "official" site it has driven nearly half of all signups for California benefits.

The fundamental problem here is the Web industry's obsession with SPAs and JavaScript-first development - techniques that make sense for a tiny fraction of applications (Alex calls out document editors, chat and videoconferencing and maps, geospatial, and BI visualisations as apppropriate applications) but massively increase the cost and complexity for the vast majority of sites - especially sites primarily used on mobile and that shouldn't expect lengthy session times or multiple repeat visits.

There's so much great, quotable content in here. Don't miss out on the footnotes, like this one:

The JavaScript community's omertà regarding the consistent failure of frontend frameworks to deliver reasonable results at acceptable cost is likely to be remembered as one of the most shameful aspects of frontend's lost decade.

Had the risks been prominently signposted, dozens of teams I've worked with personally could have avoided months of painful remediation, and hundreds more sites I've traced could have avoided material revenue losses.

Too many engineering leaders have found their teams beached and unproductive for no reason other than the JavaScript community's dedication to a marketing-over-results ethos of toxic positivity.

In Part 4 — The Way Out Alex recommends the Service Manual as a guide for building civic Web services that avoid these traps, thanks to the policy described in their Building a resilient frontend using progressive enhancement document.

# 18th August 2024, 4:37 pm / accessibility, alex-russell, government, html, javascript, progressive-enhancement, web-performance, gov-uk

My approach to HTML web components. Some neat patterns here from Jeremy Keith, who is using Web Components extensively for progressive enhancement of existing markup.

The reactivity you get with full-on frameworks [like React and Vue] isn’t something that web components offer. But I do think web components can replace jQuery and other approaches to scripting the DOM.

Jeremy likes naming components with their element as a prefix (since all element names must contain at least one hyphen), and suggests building components under the single responsibility principle - so you can do things like <button-confirm><button-clipboard><button>....

He configures these buttons with data- attributes and has them communicate with each other using custom events.

Something I hadn't realized is that since the connectedCallback function on a custom element is fired any time that element is attached to a page you can fetch() and then insertHTML content that includes elements and know that they will initialize themselves without needing any extra logic - great for the kind of pattern encourages by systems such as HTMX.

# 30th April 2024, 11:02 am / javascript, jeremy-keith, progressive-enhancement, web-components

How we built JSR (via) Really interesting deep dive by Luca Casonato into the engineering behind the new JSR alternative JavaScript package registry launched recently by Deno.

The backend uses PostgreSQL and a Rust API server hosted on Google Cloud Run.

The frontend uses Fresh, Deno’s own server-side JavaScript framework which leans heavily in the concept of “islands”—a progressive enhancement technique where pages are rendered on the server and small islands of interactivity are added once the page has loaded.

# 12th April 2024, 3:49 pm / javascript, postgresql, progressive-enhancement, rust, deno


HTML Web Components: An Example (via) Jim Nielsen provides a clear example illustrating the idea of the recently coined "HTML Web Components" pattern. It's Web Components as progressive enhancement: in this example a <user-avatar> custom element wraps a regular image, then JavaScript defines a Web Component that enhances that image. If the JavaScript fails to load the image still displays.

# 17th November 2023, 4:33 pm / javascript, progressive-enhancement, web-components


Responsive Components: a Solution to the Container Queries Problem (via) Philip Walton uses Chrome’s new ResizeObserver API (best described as document.onresize for elements, currently a W3C Editor’s Draft, not yet supported by other browsers) to implement a media-query style mechanism for applying CSS based on the size of the parent container. This is really clever. In the absence of ResizeObserver (which can be polyfilled) it can fall back to showing the narrowest design, which is probably best for mobile anyway. Desktop browsers are better equipped to run the polyfill.

# 27th February 2018, 1:21 pm / css, mediaqueries, progressive-enhancement, polyfill


What are all the advantages of jQuery?

jQuery’s API is astonishingly well designed. It’s extremely consistent once you learn its rules (e.g. methods often take one argument to read a value and two arguments to set one, e.g. .css(), .attr(), .width(), .height()) and its functionality is so complete that the last few major releases of the library have hardly added any new methods at all.

[... 166 words]


Official Google Webmaster Blog: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable. It's horrible! The Google crawler would map url#!state to url?_escaped_fragment_=state, then expect your site to provide rendered HTML that reflects that state (they even go as far as to suggest running a headless browser within your web server to do this). Just stick to progressive enhancement instead, it's far less hideous. It looks like the proposal may have originated with the GWT team.

# 8th October 2009, 5:52 pm / ajax, crawling, google, gwt, javascript, progressive-enhancement, search-engines, seo


Capital Radio’s London Guide. Worth pointing out: the search / map interface on this page is one of the best examples of progressive enhancement I’ve ever seen. Try disabling JavaScript and see what happens. It seems like most developers just can’t be bothered with this kind of attention to detail these days, which disappoints me.

# 29th August 2008, 1:48 am / accessibility, capitalradio, google-maps, javascript, londonguide, progressive-enhancement, unobtrusivescripting


SWFUpload. Fantastic Flash widget for handling multiple file uploads with progress indicators; degrades gracefully to a regular HTML upload field.

# 16th May 2007, 4:12 pm / flash, gracefuldegradation, progressive-enhancement, swfupload, upload

Neighbourhood Fix-It. Report problems to your council across the UK. The most detailed Ordinance Survey maps anywhere online, and a superb example of progressive enhancement in action—the maps work without JavaScript, and the site even works without images!

# 17th February 2007, 5:05 pm / barcamplondon2, javascript, maps, matthew-somerville, mysociety, progressive-enhancement