Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries in 2002

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2002 × Sorted by date

PHP for the enterprise

PHP5: Ready For The Enterprise? (via Scott) discusses forthcoming improvements in PHP5 and asks if they will lead to acceptance of PHP as a suitable language for enterprise applications. It looks like a killer factor could well be PHP’s improved Java and .NET integration abilities. Write the back-end in Java/.NET and use PHP for the front end—that way you get a powerful web-specific scripting language for the front end of your site. Then if you ever need to change technologies on the back end your front end code can be reused.

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W3C redesign

The W3C have redesigned to use CSS instead of tables (new layout explained here). About time too! It’s a shame the site still looks so, well, ugly. I know it’s a technical site and it doesn’t have to look pretty but it would be a lot easier to convince designers to try out CSS and web standards if they didn’t get instantly put off the W3C by the ugliness of the front page.

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DHTML article deconstructed

Create Pop-Up Notes with DHTML is a disappointing new article on SitePoint which describes a technique for having a yellow Post-It style note appear when a link is clicked. The example given is for a link that shows the un-abbreviated form of NASA—a task better accomplished using the acronym tag. In addition, I spotted the following problems with the article:

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The best 404 page ever

The best 404 page I have ever seen. Text reproduced here in case they ever change it:

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Prolog links

For my future reference, here are some useful Prolog sites I found over the past few days while working on my (now complete) Prolog coursework:

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Vampire ecologies

Via Stuart’s latest catchup, a scientific explanation of the Vampire Population Ecology of Sunnydale.

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Java interfaces explained

While browsing through Kasia’s Java Archives I came across this gem explaining why interfaces are such a useful feature of Java:

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I forget quite how I got there, but the other day I found myself reading about YAMLYAML Ain’t Markup Language. It looks really interesting. YAML aims to be an easily human readable format for storing and transferring structured data—so far, so XML. Where it differs from the IT world’s favourite buzzword is that YAML is specifically designed to handle the three most common data structures—scalars (single values), lists and dictionaries. Here’s a sample (taken from the official specification):

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Remembering passwords

Via Scott, an article with some great tips on remembering your passwords. It includes the following vitally important tip:

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Mark goes XFML

Mark Pilgrim has discovered XFML. He provides an excellent description of the standard, but fails to mention XFML’s most powerful ability; sharing metadata. Here’s how it works:

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Coursework complete

Coursework finished. It still has some niggling bugs but, as a group, we have agreed to stick them in a “known issues” list and forget about them.

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Taking a break

Coursework continues, but I’m taking a quick break to blog the fact that Tony Bowden has changed the CSS style for blockquotes on Understanding Nothing. This may not be earth shattering news, but considering Tony’s blogging technique (entries frequently consist of large blockquotes) and previous blockquote style (grey italic text) the new format makes an excellent blog a great deal more readable.

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No updates for a while

It’s coursework crunch time. Deadline is Thursday, we have an application that works but doesn’t work (if you get what I mean) and it looks like I will be spending the next few days immersed in Java. Fun fun fun.

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Perl advent calendar 2002

The 2002 Perl Advent Calendar. Cute.

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This year’s Demotivators

This year’s collection of Demotivators are out (via Doc Searls). I think my favourite is Motivation.

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XML security on SitePoint

Getting Started with XML Security is a SitePoint article of epic proportions. I had never really looked at any of the XML security applications but this article appears to cover the lot.

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Why computer books suck

Why Computer Books Suck. The principle argument seems to be that most authors get burned by their first experience and avoid writing further books, leading to the bulk of computer books being written by newbies. One of my long term ambitions is to write a book on a geeky topic—I haven’t been put off yet, but the prospect does seem slightly less appealing.

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The evolution of PHP

Via ReadingEd, an interesting article on the Object Oriented Evolution of PHP by Zeev Suraski (the Ze in Zend). As well as a history of PHP’s OO support, the article provides some tasty snippets of information as to improvement to look forward to in PHP 5. Personally I can’t wait for the objects to default to passing by reference, but the exception handling is going to be very nice as well:

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PostgreSQL 7.3

PostgreSQL Global Development Group Announces Version 7.3. I still haven’t had a play with PostgreSQL yet but everything I’ve heard has been positive. I’m sure PostgreSQL’s popularity would skyrocket if they made a Windows binary available—the ability to test scripts written in PHP and MySQL on a Windows desktop PC is the main reason I have stuck with MySQL rather than exploring PostgreSQL.

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Blogdex spammed

Uh oh, looks like Blogdex has been spammed. At the time of writing a whole bunch of the links positioned at "12" were "PremiumDomains——DOMAINS FOR SALE". This is a worrying precedent—many of the services we bloggers thrive upon such as, blogdex and others are easy targets for spammers thanks to the open nature of the service they provide.

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Mental note: add the rel="bookmark" attribute to my permalinks, as recommended by Tantek. I’d never realised the rel attribute could be applied to normal hyperlinks.

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Conversation with Martin Fowler

A conversation with Martin Fowler, parts I, II, III and IV.

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OSAF hire Robin Dunn

If you weren’t already exited about the OSAF, maybe it’s time you were. I just spotted on Mitch Kapor’s blog that they’ve hired Robin Dunn (of wxPython fame, and winner of the ActiveState 2002 Python award) on a 6 month contract to work on improvements to wxWindows and wxPython. They’ve also hired Mitchell Baker,’s “Chief Lizard Wrangler” on a part time contract that helps fund her work on Mozilla while letting OSAF take advantage of her extensive experience of co-ordinating community open source efforts. Hiring Robin Dunn makes very good sense, seeing as the bulk of Chandler’s code will be written in Python with wxPython used for the front end. Any worries that Chandler might turn out to be vapourware have vanished from my mind—I can’t wait to see what they come up with.

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XFML for Radio

Spotted on Guide to ease: Bill Kearney has written an XFML tool for Radio Userland. This sounds great—I’d love to see an example of a Radio blog that is using this.

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Syndication is not publication

Mark Pilgrim pretty much single handedly killed the discussion thread on syndicating weblog content with XHTML started a few days ago by Anil Dash. Stuart’s reply to Mark’s post is definitely worth a read though.

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Python as middleware Python Power: Growing Respect for an Open Source Integration Tool. Another excellent piece of Python advocacy, this time highlighting Python’s power and flexibility as a middleware tool to glue together varous large enterprise systems.

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PHP training update

The aforementioned PHP training system was a mixed success. On the one hand, I discovered that trying to teach a room full of people is a lot tougher than I had expected (to cut a long story short, I stumbled through about five minutes of reiterating the same few points before all present agreed that the session would be best run using the ask-questions-when-you-get-stuck format). Luckily I had prepared some pretty comprehensive support material the night before. I’m chalking that one down to experience.

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Coursework coursework...

No, I’m not dead—I’m just weighed under with coursework. Two large group projects and a whole bunch of personal pieces are conspiring to make me feel gulity whenever I load up a browser window. It’ll all be over by December the 17th thank Goodness. For the moment though I’m taking a well earned break to catch up on the goings on in the blogosphere over the past few days.

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No time to update tonight. I’m frantically putting together a 2 hour training course on HTML, PHP and mySQL which I shall be presenting tomorrow as my first ever experience of teaching a large(ish) group. Should be interesting.

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Validator documentation

It seems the W3C have made some changes to their beta validator’s XML output option. The bad news is that this has (temporarily) broken my web service interface, but the good news is that the feature is now documented on the W3C’s site. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to fix the web service interface in the near future, but it will remain a toy rather than a tool for as long as the validator’s interface has not been frozen.

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