Simon Willison’s Weblog


September 2004

Sept. 10, 2004

Dynamic RSS Feeds and Bandwidth Consumption. A neat solution to badly behaved aggregators from Nick Bradbury.

# 7:36 am

hackdiary: experiments. Sexy Python API for

# 8:22 pm

Are you better off now than you were four years ago? (via) It’s the economy, stupid! Vicious employment graphs, available as postcards.

# 10:32 pm

PDF Browser Plugin. No more PDFs littering my desktop on OS X.

# 11:11 pm

Sept. 11, 2004

webkit2png 0.3. I finally started playing with this: it’s fantastic.

# 12:14 am

The DRM Debacle. “... the whole idea is broken and going to cause severe damage and pain for content vendors, technology vendors, and ordinary folks who just want to go on with life.”

# 7:08 am

Sept. 13, 2004

Poynter Online—E-Media Tidbits. Rob Curley (my boss) gets a good write-up from Poynter.

# 7:29 pm

TIME Magazine Cover: America’s Border. Time do Goatse.

# 7:53 pm

Homestar Runner Wiki. Recently upgraded to MediaWiki.

# 10:20 pm

RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP (via) A solution to the RSS bandwidth problem?

# 11:09 pm

Sept. 14, 2004

Mozilla Firefox—Live Bookmarks (via) Whoa! RSS support built in to Firefox, with a very smart interface.

# 4:23 pm

Browser innovation is alive and well

Here’s a feature that caught me by surprise (maybe I haven’t been keeping my ear close enough to the ground): the new Firefox 1.0 preview release supports Live Bookmarks, a novel twist on RSS aggregators where feeds look just like bookmark folders, displaying a list of bookmarks corresponding to the headlines from the feed. Best of all, the feature support RSS autodiscovery. Sites with auto-discoverable feeds display an attractive RSS icon on the right hand side of the status bar, allowing for one click subscriptions.

[... 230 words]

RSS bookmark feeds. Thoughts on live bookmarks for bookmark sharing from Paul Hammond.

# 5:20 pm gmail invite spooler (via) A great way to offload your excess invites.

# 7:13 pm

Willie the Warlock (MP3) (via) Best. Song. Ever. We’ve been listening to this at work all week.

# 10:47 pm

Sept. 15, 2004

A9 1.0! (via) An Amazon insider gives the skinny on the new A9.

# 6:08 am

FreyaSX (via) Open source full-text search engine, claims indexing speeds of 100,000 words/second.

# 4:18 pm

Spread Firefox. They’re aiming for 1,000,000 downloads in 10 days.

# 4:30 pm

Microsoft warns of poisoned picture peril. Now opening a JPEG can get you in trouble.

# 9:47 pm

Critical Mozilla Vulnerabilities Fixed in New Versions. Various buffer overflows, fixed in Firefox PR 1.0.

# 9:49 pm

“Willie the Warlock” by Billy Q. Effinger (via) Best song ever, now with comments!

# 10:51 pm

Sept. 16, 2004

This Old Blog, Part I. Tom at Gadgetopia has some great thoughts on combinign a blog with its admin interface.

# 1:16 am

Edwards: No military draft if Democrats win (via) Is the draft about to become a campaign issue?

# 1:58 am

Quicksilver: moving around and training yourself (via) More QuickSilver tips from Merlin, the world’s most useful blogger.

# 5:46 am

Hiring. No False Positives. Why Google and Microsoft have such high standards.

# 3:18 pm

Resources for WordPress. WordPress is mentioned on the front page of Linux Journal this month.

# 10:05 pm

Sept. 17, 2004

43F Interview: Alcor, Developer of Quicksilver. Q&A with the Quicksilver guy.

# 7:12 am

James Tauber: The Inverse Law of Bug Complexity. “The harder a bug is to track down, the simpler the fix tends to be.”

# 7:30 am

Firefox Plush Toy. Awww!

# 8:14 pm

2004 » September
