Simon Willison’s Weblog


August 2004

Aug. 3, 2004

Early adoption, and Airport Express cut-outs

I don’t know quite how I did it, but in the past 48 hours I’ve become an Apple early adopter. I spent the weekend in Minnesota, where a visit to the Mall of America (aka Unholy Temple to Consumerism) resulted in a visit to the Apple store, and a visit to the Apple store resulted in a shiny new fourth generation 20 GB iPod. Of course, the seven and a half hour journey back south would go so much faster with an iTrip to play with, so I picked one of those up as well.

[... 477 words]

Aug. 4, 2004

Low Morale (via) The Creep video is simply astounding. Bandito strikes again.

# 6 pm

My photos from Minnesota (via) With some pretty flowers, ala Tim Bray.

# 11:34 pm / tim-bray

Aug. 5, 2004

Web design from Scratch (via) A tutorial that actually talks about design? Surely not.

# 12:19 am

California’s SUV Ban (via) Today’s SUV related amusement.

# 12:19 am

Amazon’s Web Services and XSLT. The Amazonn REST API lets you feed in the URL of an XSLT document.

# 5:43 am

John Kerry, the man who uncovered Iran-Contra. I’m surprised the democrats haven’t used this in their campaign.

# 7:28 pm

Aug. 6, 2004

A look at Delicious Library 3.0. Scan bar codes from your book/DVD collection with an iSight, it grabs the details from the Amazon API.

# 4:01 pm

Introducing dbagg3, an Atom-powered client/server aggregator. Way smart aggregator built on top of Atom and XSLT.

# 4:08 pm

Perl hullabaloos. “Pythonistas are peaceful, have-their-glasses-on-a-little-string types, like hobbits or the Dutch.”

# 10:47 pm

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Cloned kittens! Far cuter than sheep.

# 11 pm

Aug. 7, 2004

ENIAC close-up photos (via) They don’t build computers like they used to.

# 10:55 pm

Aug. 8, 2004

Python will assimilate you (via) “From the wind-up school of technology strategizing”

# 6:49 pm / python

Help Darfur (via) Donate to the World Food Programme.

# 9:41 pm

Aug. 9, 2004

Quantum Sleeper (via) Truly bizarre safe-room-as-a-bed thing.

# 2:46 am

Duct Tape (via) Glen Murphy of fame gets in to Doom 3 mods.

# 2:50 am

First look at MSN blogs. Phil Ringnalda investigates Microsoft’s first blog application, flames their terrible HTML.

# 2:58 am

August Nine. Today is the anniversary of the atomic bomb attack on Nagasaki.

# 3:37 pm

Tragedy of the network commons. It’s not just BugMeNot: 75% of Dartmouth college students share passwords as well.

# 3:38 pm

Social networking sites: a postmortem. “... they introduce awkward social situations that did not otherwise exist, or were at least far less explicit.”

# 4:53 pm

Sudan: The Passion of the Present. Blog covering the crisis in Sudan.

# 7:27 pm

Aug. 10, 2004

Limbaugh chastises Lawrence, Edwards. Rush Limbaugh slags off Lawrence. Residents not amused.

# 5:52 pm

PostgreSQL 8.0.0 Officially Goes Beta (via) New features include win32 support, point-in-time recovery.

# 6:17 pm / postgresql

IE in Windows XP SP2. An overview of the new security changes.

# 7:39 pm / ie, windows, security

Aug. 11, 2004

Aug. 12, 2004

She Said Yes ! Scott Johnson is getting married. Congratulations!

# 3:49 pm

The anatomy of a smear campaign (via) Fascinating insight in to the political process.

# 4:05 pm

Jon Udell: Jon is doing some interesting things with the tagging system.

# 5:03 pm / jon-udell, delicious

2004 » August
