Simon Willison’s Weblog


April 2004

April 5, 2004

Don’t use client side includes! On my SitePoint blog.

# 2:12 am

Java to JavaScript in NS4. Before Groovy, before Jython, NS 4 allowed scripting of Java classes from Javascript.

# 2:21 am

iPod mini for self defence (via) “... one sharp little fucker of a digital lifestyle appliance.”

# 4:25 am

What is Google?

Via John Battelle, Rick Skrenta’s remarkable piece on what Google have actually built. They don’t just have the world’s best search engine, they have the world’s largest and most scalable platform for developing huge web-based applications.

[... 172 words]

April 6, 2004

Glastonbury screw-up

I went last year, I went the year before, I’m pretty sure I went the year before that, but this year I’m staying home. The muppets running the online ordering system apparently decided that a couple of Windows 2000 servers could handle 130,000 ticket sales in 24 hours. They got hit by 2,000,000 hits in the first five minutes. Admitedly, that’s going to be tough for anything to handle (maybe it’s a job for Google’s super-platform) but after last year’s 23 hour sell out anyone could have told them this year was going to be a whole lot tougher.

[... 201 words]

April 7, 2004

Beatallica (via) The Beatles and Metallica, together at last

# 5:15 pm

Business card trading games. I’m jealous: someone managed to collect the whole set.

# 6:33 pm

Installing Linux on a Dead Badger (via) When X-Box Linux just isn’t hardcore enough.

# 6:38 pm

Mouseover DOM Inspector. Useful bookmarklet for inspecting documents.

# 9:37 pm

Re: What are the goals of (via) Brendan Eich’s vision of a collaborative open source platform.

# 10:20 pm

The Cocoa Controller Layer (via) I’ve been experimenting with Cocoa recently.

# 10:36 pm

“Scripting Language” My Arse: Using Python for Voice over IP (via) More about voice over IP protocols than you ever wanted to know.

# 10:41 pm

CanyonBridge Slips into Web Services Orchestration (via) Recreating applications in a browser window.

# 10:43 pm Has Slow News Day. Site optimization case study.

# 10:43 pm

Film-strip rollovers. Similar technique to pixy’s, but with Javascript.

# 10:51 pm

April 8, 2004

Missed opportunity

Apple are missing out on a huge opportunity. I’ve bought 198 songs through the iTunes music store now, and iTunes has access to the other music that I’ve imported from my own CD collection. I want to discover new music—why doesn’t iTunes look at what I listen to, match it against buying habits tracked through the store and give me an Amazon style “people who like the music you listen to also liked...”. Privacy concerns could be avoided by having the recommendation feature off by default—I’d turn it on in a heart-beat.

About LOAF. Share your hashed address book and tell when a new contact is a friend-of-a-friend.

# 3:23 am

Jeffrey Veen: Editorial vs. Advertising. The screenshot will leave you speechless.

# 6:59 am

How To Sell Accessibility. Acts as a guide to selling standards as well.

# 7:37 am

The Memory Management Reference (via) For future reference.

# 4:42 pm

BBspot—W3C Announces New Features for CSS. "... CSS will support a new type of padding: padding_outside_of_the_friggin_element. Let’s see them mess that one up.”

# 4:43 pm (via) I like Crypto Cat.

# 4:57 pm

Downloading music gets more expensive (via) Recording Industry: “How can we screw our customers even more?”

# 11:12 pm

April 9, 2004

Subservient Chicken (via) This is amazing. Tell the chicken to do things. Be inventive.

# 1:32 am

Subservient Chicken exposed! (via) An insider look at the smartest advertising meme in a long time.

# 2:21 am

PEAR/PECL Weekly Summaries (via) Keep up to date on PEAR without following the mailing list.

# 7:06 pm

Boxes (via) DHTML doodling tool

# 11:06 pm

Problem Solving Flowchart (via) An oldy but a goldy.

# 11:18 pm

April 10, 2004

The Problem With Music (via) The producer of Nirvana’s “In Utero” shows how a band’s members can earn $4,000 each for a 250,000 selling album.

# 1:27 am

2004 » April
