Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 27th November 2003

The rsync algorithm. The glorious technical details

# 1:03 am

Font Size: No Happy Medium. Sometimes I just wish for ignorance

# 1:35 am

IXR 2.0

Harry Fuecks has been hacking on my XML-RPC library, and has released a new version with some significant changes. His article on phpPatterns describes the changes and provides a link to download the updated code. He’s made a bunch of interesting architectural changes which take advantage of a number of useful PEAR classes, including HTTP_Request which provides support for proxies and authentication, two frequently requested features.

[... 127 words]

Dotcom Memories (via) It’s all about the M&Ms

# 3:42 pm


Charles Miller, in Google, Microsoft and Tall Poppies.:

[... 116 words]

Google vs. Evil (via) “Don’t be evil”

# 4:24 pm

Minor spam victory. I’ve deleted the spam comments now but they were pretty amusing

# 4:46 pm

Javascript Compression (via) Nearly halves the size of getElementBySelector.js

# 4:49 pm

Can Google Grow Up? (via) It’s tough at the top, and it’s going to get tougher

# 5:34 pm

2003 » November
