Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 6th November 2003

easytoggle and debugging in Safari

I’ve been working on a new inobtrusive DHTML effect: easytoggle, which is an inobtrusive implementation of the common effect where links or tabs can be clicked to reveal part of a page while hiding the other parts. It’s similar in some ways to the Multi part forms with Javascript technique.

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Usability guidelines available online after all

In an earlier entry about’s Research based Web Design & Usability Guidelines I criticised them heavily for not providing an HTML alternative to the huge PDF file containing the guidelines. It has since been pointed out that the guidelines are in fact also available as HTML. I’d like to apologise to the authors of the site, although I would also like to suggest that they add a link to the HTML version from the PDF page. Thanks go to Adam Bramwell for alerting me to my mistake.

2003 » November
