Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for wifi

13 posts tagged “wifi”


TL;DR on the KRACK WPA2 stuff - you can repeatedly resend the 3rd packet in a WPA2 handshake and it'll reset the key state, which leads to nonce reuse, which leads to trivial decryption with known plaintext. Can be easily leveraged to dump TCP SYN traffic and hijack connections.

Graham Sutherland

# 16th October 2017, 2:14 pm / wifi, security

Wireless access points or mesh networking?

I recently acquired the Netgear Orbi based on this recommendation in the wirecutter and it provides excellent fast wifi across our whole apartment where our previous non-mesh router failed to do so (tested using

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Firesheep (via) Oh wow. A Firefox extension that makes sniffing for insecured (non-HTTPS) cookie requests on your current WiFi network and logging in as that person a case of clicking a couple of buttons. Always possible of course, but it’s never been made easy before. Private VPNs are about to become a lot more popular.

# 25th October 2010, 9:11 am / cookies, firesheep, security, wifi, recovered


Eye-Fi launches. Really neat idea: a digital camera SD card with built-in WiFi to beam your photos straight to your laptop. SitePen built the UI, which runs in your browser on top of Dojo and talks to a small web server running locally.

# 11th November 2007, 10:40 pm / eyefi, digitalcameras, photography, wifi, sitepen, javascript, dojo

What I did at Hack Day. John McKerrell made a tool for updating your FireEagle location through a DNS query, useful for sneaking around for-pay WiFi nodes.

# 19th June 2007, 10:32 am / wifi, dns, john-mckerrell, fireeagle, hackdaylondon

The Truth About Wireless Devices. “After eating babies, the WiFi Routers will grow to enormous size and attack our cities.”

# 27th May 2007, 2:09 pm / wifi, funny, wellingtongrey

Wi-Fi Wants To Kill Your Children. Ben Goldacre tears the ridiculous Panorama WiFi episode to pieces.

# 26th May 2007, 10:12 pm / wifi, ben-goldacre, badscience, panorama

The Oxford Guide free WiFi plotted on Google Maps. The guide offers a geocoded Atom feed which can be directly plotted on a Google Map.

# 26th May 2007, 9:55 am / google, google-maps, theoxfordguide, oxford, wifi

Category Free Wifi on The Oxford Guide (via) More hotspots, this time with RDF, Atom and RSS feeds.

# 26th May 2007, 9:51 am / oxford, theoxfordguide, wifi

Oxford on hotspotr. Nicely designed community WiFi hotspot site. Only lists two for Oxford at the moment; I plan to add more as I confirm them.

# 26th May 2007, 9:47 am / oxford, wifi, hotspotr

WiFi Hotspots in Oxford. The best list I’ve found, but that’s not saying a lot.

# 26th May 2007, 9:46 am / wifi, oxford

Extending a WiFi network with two Macs and a FireWire cable

Last night’s Oxford Geek Night went really well, despite more than the usual flurry of problems. It’s definitely true that the more geeks there are in a room the less likely it is that the projector will work! Thankfully we got everything up and running in time for the talks to start, although it was a pretty close call.

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PyCon Wireless Network. Conference WiFi is generally bad, and getting worse as more people turn up with laptops. Here’s how Sean Reifschneider built a solid network for PyCon 2007 for $2200 in hardware and 70 hours of work.

# 6th April 2007, 10:39 am / wifi, seanreifschneider, pycon, python