Simon Willison’s Weblog

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35 items tagged “go”

The Go programming language.


What’s the best way to communicate with go libraries from within Python programs?

Go speaks HTTP extremely well, so one simple but powerful approach is to hook your Go libraries up as simple HTTP+JSON APIs and have Python call them over HTTP (the Requests: HTTP for Humans library is awesome for this).

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Does Go have an equivalent node.js’s NPM?

Sort of. Go ships with a command that can download and compile a dependency for your project ("go get") but it doesn’t have a solution for library versioning yet (as far as I can tell).

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Would you recommend using Google Go with web.go, or Node.js for a new web server project which will involve high IO?

If you already know JavaScript, picking up Node.js is pretty easy. It also has a much larger community of web developers around it at the moment than web.go, which means there’s more example code / open source bits and pieces floating around.

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dustin’s gomemcached (via) A memcached server written in Go, an experiment by memcached maintainer Dustin Sallings.

# 13th November 2009, 3:13 pm / dustinsallings, memcached, go, programming, concurrency

The Go Programming Language. A brand new systems programming language, designed by Robert Griesemer and Unix/Plan 9 veterans Rob Pike and Ken Thompson and funded by Google. Concurrency is supported by lightweight communicating processes called goroutines. “It feels like a dynamic language but has the speed and safety of a static language.”

# 11th November 2009, 7 am / go, goroutines, google, plan9, unix, concurrency, programming, rob-pike, kenthompson, robert-griesemer