9 posts tagged “delicious”
Page Inlink Analyzer (via) Here’s why I’m so keen on JSONP APIs—Eric Miraglia’s tool fires off dozens of cross-domain JSON requests to pull together information about inbound links to your site from Yahoo! Site Explorer and del.icio.us. I imagine it would have been uneconomic for him to provide the tool if it had to proxy every request through his own server.
“Simon Willison’s Weblog” on the redesigned Delicious. The new search feature is extremely impressive; I can see myself coming here before hitting Google for some things. I’m not too keen on the way they’re adding ’www’ to the beginning of my URL when they display it though.
Hacking del.icio.us with Python. Nat introduces snaflr, a Python script for republishing selected links from a number of del.icio.us users to one communal account.
Why you should be using disambiguated URLs
Good URLs are important. The best URLs are readable, reliable and hackable.
[... 553 words]2006
Del.icio.us fun with automated links. Nat’s documented one of del.icio.us’ least promoted features—the ability to auto-post your links to your weblog once a day.
del.icio.us/tag/openidconsumer. Help me build a list of sites that let you log in with OpenID.
[Greasemonkey] Monkey Do. User script that automatically posts interesting things to del.icio.us.
Jon Udell: Pub/sub, tags, and human filters. Maybe del.icio.us style labels scale better than I thought.
Jon Udell: del.icio.us. Jon is doing some interesting things with the del.icio.us tagging system.