Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries in May, 2004

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Wikipedia enhancements

I don’t know when it happened, but Wikipedia has a stylish new design in mostly valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional (the front page validates, some of the inside pages do not) with a CSS layout to boot. They even have an option to turn off the single layout table used on their home page. The site seems much easier to navigate now and the organisation of the front page is a masterpiece of information architecture. When you’ve got over 250,000 articles just in the English version providing a useful home page is going to be a challenge, but Wikipedia pulls it off with aplomb.

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A few more thoughts on plinks

From the comments on my plinks entry, it seems some people are seeing ugly green hash marks all over the place. If that includes you, you need to force-reload my stylesheet to ensure you are getting the copy with the plink hiding styles.

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plinks—a purple numbers variant

Via Tim Bray, I came across the concept of Purple Numbers. In a nutshell these are permalinks attached to every paragraph on a page which, to paraphrase Tim, make every paragraph on a page a first-class Web citizen.

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Time to fix those broken pages

I have a whole bunch of gripes about Internet Explorer, but my personal favourite is the way it will render a document served with a text/plain Content-Type header if it thinks the file might contain HTML. The direct result of this is that people with misconfigured web servers who are serving their HTML with the wrong Content-Type frequently don’t realise, so when users of better behaved browsers such as FireFox visit they get hit in the face with a page of raw source code.

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Executing JavaScript on page load

Peter-Paul Koch recently wrote:

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Tim Berners Lee (how many TLA celebrities is that now?): New Top Level Domains Considered Harmful. Read the whole thing—Tim blows the .xxx and .mobi proposals out of the water and takes a neat swipe at for-profit registrars in the process. Reading this, the main thing that struck me is how incredibly forward thinking TBL really is. People complain about the long duration of W3C processes and the futuristic nature of the semantic web but the W3C are trying to build technologies that will still be relevant ten or twenty years from now. When you consider the longevity of TCP/IP, this is a really smart strategy. It’s a shame so many people involved with the web have trouble thinking past the next few months.

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Domain Keys Explained

Via Jeremy Zawodny,, Yahoo’s Anti-Spam Resource Center have published an explanation of their proposed Domain Keys spam fighting technique. At first glance it looks very promising. There’s no centralised authority, no requirements for changes to existing protocols and the central concept is extremely easy to understand. Essentially, mail servers generate a public/private key pair and sign outgoing messages with the private key, while publishing the public key as part of their DNS record. Because only they can publish to their public key in this way the signature can be used to confirm that the sender of the email has not been spoofed. The presence or lack of a signature can be used as part of the process of identifying spam.

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Atom discussion minutes

The minutes from the Atom/W3C discussion in New York have been posted online. Unfortunately the default formatting is pretty difficult to follow. I found it a lot easier to figure out who was saying what after applying the following CSS (using the test styles bookmarklet):

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Defending against the OS X help: vulnerability

There’s a nasty OS X vulnerability under discussion at the moment which lets a web page execute code on your machine by taking advantage of a flaw in the “help:” protocol. There’s a non-malicious demonstration of the exploit on this page, and Jay Allen is hosting a discussion on the exploit and ways to avoid it.

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Supplemental Results

Does anyone know what Google means when it says that something is a “Supplemental Result”?

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Simple mini-languages with PHP

I linked to PDML the other day in my blogmarks, but beyond a cursory glance I hadn’t really dug in to what makes it tick. Dumky over at Curiosity is bliss points out that it makes use of an ingenious output buffering trick. To create a PDML document, you add a single line to the top of a page that includes and executes the PDML library (written in PHP). The rest of the document is written in the custom PDML markup language. The script uses output buffering to capture the rest of the page, then executes a callback function that actually processes the page content (see ob_start() for details).

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W3C Internationalisation Guidelines

Via Phil Ringnalda, the W3C have published three useful articles on HTML internationalisation techniques. In classic W3C style, the boilerplate and verbiage at the start of the documents threatens to overwhelm the actual content. Here’s a tip: jump straight to chapter 2, which is normally where the interesting stuff starts. Here are the ammended links:

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Google approved PageRank stripping

Blogger are now using the redirect-without-PageRank technique to protect their hosted blogs against comment spam (also used by Moveable Type). At the risk of sounding incredibly pleased with myself (which I am), that was my idea! Sweet.

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Switch statements in Python

Python doesn’t support a native switch statement. I’ve found myself using the following coding idiom instead recently which seems to work pretty well:

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What makes a geek?

Meri has a great post up entitled Because We Are Geeks, which highlights the differences between geeks and the rest of the world and asks if geeks are really suited to designing and marketing products for non-geeks.

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Don’t make me lie to you

So what’s the deal with this?

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CSS History

John Allsopp: Message To The Messengers—Props to the old school:

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Staying valid

Andrei Herasimchuk:

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Google, circa 1998

Thanks to the ever impressive Internet Archive (did you know they host old public information films as well?) here’s Google’s homepage from 1998. Their searchable index was slightly less than 25 million pages, their hardware was less than a dozen machines apparently held together with lego and their crawler was called BackRub. Following the links will take you to Sergey and Larry’s homepages, where digging a little deeper will even uncover the now infamous Sergey-in-drag photo.

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