Simon Willison’s Weblog


January 2004

Jan. 8, 2004

A hacker’s introduction to OS X

What is Max OS X by Amit Singh is hands down the best introduction to that operating system I’ve ever come across. It’s aimed at a technical audience, does a very good job of keeping a fair balance balanced when comparing OS X with other operating systems and has taught me a whole bunch of interesting things about the system.

[... 294 words]

Tribune Co. Fires Baltimore Sun Editor. “The Tribune is a profit-oriented company, and higher profits are not always compatible with good journalism.”

# 4 am

Jan. 10, 2004


Sorry for the radio silence; I’ve been playing with my new Mac. It’s been an almost entirely positive experience—it’s certainly the most enjoyable computer I’ve ever owned. I’ve also only crashed an application once so far—bizarrely it was the Terminal while accidentally pasting in a whole bunch of junk. Other than that the system stability and performance is excellent—and it’s only running on 256 MB of RAM while I try and find one of those tiny screwdrivers to install the upgrade.

[... 801 words]

Amazon’s not-really-sekrit 800 number. Useful to know

# 6:12 am

Tongue mounted vibrators (via) I kid you not

# 6:14 am

uControl. Make your PowerBook’s keyboard behave

# 6:16 am

Linux on the WRT54G (via) Install Linux on your LinkSys Wireless router

# 6:18 am

Blog as Contact Manager. Managing contacts with a weblog and CVS

# 6:19 am

Backseat driving

Just one of the many gems to be found in Greg Knauss’ Devil’s Dictionary.

[... 46 words]

Microsoft ships GPL’d software (via) Who’d a thunk it?

# 7:26 am

TiVo-to-go inherently broken? A good reponse to Cory’s “dinosaur industry” rant

# 7:29 am

ColorSync Profiles (via) More crazy Mac prettiness

# 7:38 am

Gollum iPod T-shirts (via) I guess I’d have to get an iPod first...

# 9:40 pm

Tips For New Switchers (via) I wish I’d read this before I’d set up my Mac

# 9:49 pm

Jan. 13, 2004

Doing more with the iSight

The iSight came close to being the biggest disappointments of my new Mac experience. It looks gorgeous and appears to integrate seamlessly with iChat AV, although as I don’t currently have any contacts with an iSight I haven’t been able to try video conferencing yet. The dissapointment is that there was no clear way of using it to capture video directly—a feature that I reasonably expected from iMovie. Apple’s knowledge base knocks the point home pretty clearly:

[... 206 words]

ongoing—Mac OS X. Collected OS X tips from Tim Bray

# 1:17 am

An ASP version of time_since. Nat’s function in ASP, with commentary

# 4:42 am

1 TeraByte FireWire drive from LaCie (via) In a 5.25" form factor. I want.

# 7:40 am

Torture by proxy / How immigration threw a traveler to the wolves (via) The most disturbing thing I’ve read in a long time

# 7:45 am

UsingAssertionsEffectively—PythonInfo Wiki. The PythonInfo Wiki is well worth exploring

# 9:06 pm

Jan. 15, 2004

You mean there IS an IE team?

Robert Scoble went to lunch with the head of the Internet Explorer team—yes, they still exist, despite having released nothing but security patches for over two years.

[... 220 words]

Advice worth repeating

Tim Bray’s Laws of Explanation:

[... 55 words]

Colored boxes. Another great CSS tutorial from Russ Weakley

# 5:12 am

Jan. 16, 2004

Domain registrars sued over URL patent. More patent insanity—and it looks like my site infringes this one

# 12:45 am

This could be the most ludicrous tech patent yet

Patent 6,671,714:

[... 148 words]

Keep It Simple: The Behavior Layer. PPK on best practises for JavaScript

# 2:05 am

BLEEP—Digital Downloads from Warp Records. Pay for downloads, no DRM. Excellent.

# 2:05 am

Faux Columns. A useful CSS trick for faking equal length columns

# 2:07 am

Widescreen fun. Taking advantage of wide screen monitors for web browsing

# 2:09 am

2004 » January
