Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 15th July 2002

XML fun

Peter has upgraded his blog to the latest version of Moveable Type. As a result, his blog now pings via XML-RPC whenever he makes an update. grabs the changes.xml file once an hour and uses it to generate a smaller file listing only sites on my blogroll. My site then grabs my personal favorites.xml file once an hour and uses it to render my blogroll ordered by the time each blog was updated.

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Fifty two projects

52 projects (via Peter):

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Python in PHP

Python in PHP (via HarryF on the SitePoint Forums):

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Accessible fonts

Mark has out-done himself today with his long awaited coverage of relative font sizes. This is a notoriously tough topic (thanks to a whole bunch of strange CSS bugs and browser differences) but Mark carefully and comprehensively explains the various work arounds and CSS hacks needed to get the right effect with maximum accessibility.

Via Blogzilla...

A couple of Mozilla pieces, courtesty of Blogzilla. First up is the news that Dave Hyatt is leaving Netscape to work for Apple (Hixie mentioned this the other day). Blogzilla’s jeffp wonders if this could mean the beginning of iBrowser, considering Dave’s previous work on the Chimera browser which builds a Mac interface on top of Mozilla.

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Blogchat rocks

I spent a while today over at Brent Ashley’s blog chatting away on BlogChat. BlogChat is Brent’s impressive DHTML chat system (backend in PHP, front end via JSRS) which allows anyone visiting his blog to talk to him (and other visitors) in real time, provided he is online to host the session. During the afternoon I got to talk to people from all over the world, all with similar interests because they all had the same taste in blogs. I am hoping to install a version of Brent’s system on this site in the not-too-distant future.

You can’t win

Joel on Software:

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