Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 3rd July 2002

Banging headache

I haven’t finished the Glastonbury writeup yet, mainly thanks to a banging headache and weird flu thing I may have picked up at the festival. Rather than promise it tomorrow I’ll fall back on the good old cliché “it’ll be ready when it’s finished”.

Message Catalog definition

Here’s something I picked up on the Sigia-l mailing list the other day, courtesy of Patrick Hunt (reproduced with permission):

[... 108 words]

Digital Web magazine

The latest issue of Digital Web Magazine is out, and it includes an excellent case study on redesigning a table based layout to use CSS: Web Page Reconstruction with CSS. They also have a review of Eric Meyer’s new CSS book, mentioned yesterday. Digital Web are currently looking for volunteers to help with the magazine’s upcoming redesign—further information and a contact form can be found here.

Lego stuff

Mathematical Lego Sculptures (via Slashdot). These are really cool—all kinds of bizzare mathematical shapes are on display, including some that are technically impossible (such as the Klein Bottle). The Slashdot discussion lead me to several other impressive lego sites, including a huge lego stegosaurus and a working full size grandfather clock.

XML request object

Using the XML HTTP Request object (via techno weenie) is an excellent tutorial covering remote XML loading capabilities in both IE and Mozilla, along with instructions on how to make SOAP requests using this technology.

Alternative validator icons

Redesigned W3C validator icons (via Zeldman). I like these a lot—I’ve avoided using a validator icon on this site up to now because they’re pretty ugly, but I’ll add the alternative XHTML 1.0 icon now.