12 posts tagged “vmware”
What are some good open source projects that VMware is directly part of?
To my knowledge they fund almost all of the development work on RabbitMQ, Redis and the Spring Java framework.
[... 38 words]2010
Unlocking the Huawei E5830 aka 3 Mifi. 3 will post you an unlocked replacement for your MiFi for £15, if you can figure out how to ask them to do it. Reports on the internet are that it can take several weeks and they sometimes forget to unlock the one you send them, so I went the self-unlocking route. These instructions (involving Windows running in VMWare Fusion, Firmware updates, PayPal, some very dodgy looking software and a PDF file half-written in Japan) ended up working a treat.
VMware: the new Redis home. Redis creator Salvatore Sanfilippo is joining VMWare to work on Redis full time. Sounds like a good match.
MySQL, Python and MacOS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). I gave up on compiling things when I upgraded to Snow Leopard—I’m back to running Ubuntu in a VMWare instance, mounted over Samba so I can still use TextMate.
Development virtual machines on OS X using VMWare and Ubuntu. Bradley Wright provides detailed instructions for getting the JeOS (VM optimised) flavour of Ubuntu running with VMWare tools so you don’t need to run samba just to share your desktop.
Ubuntu JeOS 7.10 released. JeOS = “Just enough Operating System”—a minimal Ubuntu image designed for creating “virtual applications” that are embedded in a VMWare (or similar) virtual machine.
Virtual Machine Creator (via) Web based tool for creating blank VMware compatible virtual machine images; uses QEMU under the hood.
VMware Fusion Review (via) It looks like VMware are finally catching up with Parallels.
How to convert a VMWare virtual appliance to work with Parallels. Anyone know the best option for creating a virtual machine that can easily be used by Parallels and VMWare alike?
Review Board. VMWare release a slick looking Django-powered code review system, with hooks in to Subversion and Perforce.
Free VMware Server in action. I’m interested in reading more case studies of Virtual Machine deployments in the wild.
VMWare Fusion (virtualization for Mac). Competition is good. The race is on between VMWare and Parallels as to who can get 3D acceleration virtualized first (and let me play Half-Life 2 without using BootCamp).