Simon Willison’s Weblog

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5 posts tagged “tim-oreilly”


The future will not be like the past. The comfortable Victorian and Georgian world complete with grand country houses, a globe-spanning British empire, and lords and commoners each knowing their place, was swept away by the events that began in the summer of 1914 (and that with Britain on the “winning” side of both world wars.) So too, our comfortable “American century” of conspicuous consumer consumption, global tourism, and ever-increasing stock and home prices may be gone forever.

Tim O'Reilly

# 4th July 2020, 4:06 pm / covid19, tim-oreilly


I seem to have lost the battle to define Web 2.0 as "the use of the network as platform to build systems that get better the more people use them."

Tim O'Reilly

# 29th December 2008, 7:29 pm / tim-oreilly, web20, jargon

Sun To Acquire MySQL. Sun also employ Josh Berkus, one of the lead developers of PostgreSQL.

# 16th January 2008, 1:55 pm / mysql, postgresql, sunmicrosystems, sun, tim-oreilly, databases, open-source, josh-berkus

Everyone applauds when Google goes after Microsoft's Office monopoly [...] but when they start to go after web non-profits like Wikipedia, you see where the ineluctible logic leads. As Google's growth slows, as inevitably it will, it will need to consume more and more of the web ecosystem, trading against its former suppliers, rather than distributing attention to them.

Tim O'Reilly

# 1st January 2008, 11:29 am / tim-oreilly, google, microsoft, wikipedia, competition


Yahoo!'s new Pipes service is a milestone in the history of the internet. It's a service that generalizes the idea of the mashup, providing a drag and drop editor that allows you to connect internet data sources, process them, and redirect the output.

Tim O'Reilly

# 8th February 2007, 8:08 am / pipes, tim-oreilly