7 posts tagged “presentations”
Personal Data Warehouses: Reclaiming Your Data
I gave a talk yesterday about personal data warehouses for GitHub’s OCTO Speaker Series, focusing on my Datasette and Dogsheep projects. The video of the talk is now available, and I’m presenting that here along with an annotated summary of the talk, including links to demos and further information.
[... 5,166 words]2018
Deckset for Mac (via) $29 desktop Mac application that creates presentations using a cleverly designed markdown dialect. You edit the underlying markdown in your standard text editor and the Deskset app shows a preview of the presentation and lets you hit “play” to run it or export it as a PDF.
Datasette Demo (video) from the SF Python Meetup
I gave a short talk about Datasette last month at the SF Python Meetup Holiday Party. They’ve just posted the video, so here it is:
[... 63 words]2008
FOWA London—Beyond GoogleMaps. Andrew Turner’s talk at FOWA was the most information dense presentation I’ve ever seen, and discussed a huge number of cool geo projects that I’d never previously heard of. Andrew links to the full slides and video, well worth a watch.
When Ajax Attacks! Web application security fundamentals. Slides and notes from my talk on web application security at @media Ajax last Tuesday.
SlideShare Groups: Future Of Web Apps. Some of the presentations from the Future of Web Apps conference.
PDF Shrink. $35 OS X app that crunches down the size of PDF files—useful if you often embed photos in your presentations.