Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for charles-miller

10 posts tagged “charles-miller”


Ask browser users, and they'll tell you the overwhelming reason why they can't upgrade to a more modern, standards-compliant browser is because their work won't let them. Ask IT departments why this is the case and they'll point to the six- to seven-figure costs of upgrading turn-of-the-century Intranets written to work in, and only in, Internet Explorer 6. Google have provided a way for websites to opt out of IE6 (and even IE7) support without requiring enterprise-wide, Intranet-breaking browser upgrades.

Charles Miller

# 23rd September 2009, 3:08 pm / chrome, chromeframe, google, ie, ie6, charles-miller

And so it goes, around again. Charles Miller on Java, pointing out that if you don’t have closures and first-class functions you end up having to add band-aid solutions and special case syntactic sugar. Python’s lack of multi-line lambdas leads to a similar (though less pronounced) effect.

# 3rd September 2009, 9:46 am / java, python, charles-miller, programming-languages, closures


Cluetrainwreck. Comcast’s official Twitter account is pretty creepy... “I hope we can change your perception of Comcast!”.

# 19th April 2008, 8 am / cluetrain, comcast, twitter, pr, charles-miller

Heavier than Air. Charles Miller points out that every time Apple breaks the mold with a new product (the iPod, the iPod Mini, the iMac and now the MacBook Air) they lose in feature matrix comparisons but win in the marketplace.

# 22nd January 2008, 1:32 am / charles-miller, apple, macbookair, imac, ipod, ipodmini


Maven: Broken By Design. Charles Miller: “If you check out a particular version of your code and build it with particular versions of your tools, you should get a product that is binary-identical each time.”

# 20th December 2007, 8:24 pm / maven, charles-miller, buildtools, java

Understanding Engineers: Feasibility. Charles Miller provides smart definitions of what programmers mean when they say “impossible”, “trivial”, “unfeasible”, “non-trivial”, “hard” and “very hard”.

# 17th July 2007, 10:24 am / trivial, nontrivial, language, programmers, charles-miller, programming, hard, veryhard, unfeasible

... if you're in an email conversation with one other person and you're both using Gmail, don't bother quoting at all.

Charles Miller

# 12th July 2007, 5:18 pm / email, charles-miller


Avoiding protracted debates

I love Charles Miller’s Fishbowl. His latest entry introduces his rules for argument. Read them, follow them and save a truck-load of time avoiding protracted debates in the future. Heck, if everyone stuck to them the overall productivity of the internet would probably increase by a factor of ten.



Charles Miller, in Google, Microsoft and Tall Poppies.:

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Supporting Conditional GET in PHP

This site’s RSS feeds now support Conditional GET. Since the feeds are dynamically generated on every request, adding support took a bit of hacking around with PHP. Here’s the function I came up with (based on the excellent description provided by Charles Miller in the article linked above):

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