Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged s3 in 2021

Filters: Year: 2021 × s3 × Sorted by date

s3-credentials 0.8. The latest release of my s3-credentials CLI tool for creating S3 buckets with credentials to access them (with read-write, read-only or write-only policies) adds a new --public option for creating buckets that allow public access, such that anyone who knows a filename can download a file. The s3-credentials put-object command also now sets the appropriate Content-Type heading on the uploaded object. # 7th December 2021, 7:04 am

Weeknotes: git-history, created for a Git scraping workshop

My main project this week was a 90 minute workshop I delivered about Git scraping at Coda.Br 2021, a Brazilian data journalism conference, on Friday. This inspired the creation of a brand new tool, git-history, plus smaller improvements to a range of other projects.

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s3-credentials: a tool for creating credentials for S3 buckets

I’ve built a command-line tool called s3-credentials to solve a problem that’s been frustrating me for ages: how to quickly and easily create AWS credentials (an access key and secret key) that have permission to read or write from just a single S3 bucket.

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Abusing Terraform to Upload Static Websites to S3 (via) I found this really interesting. Terraform is infrastructure as code software which mostly handles creating and updating infrastructure resources, so it’s a poor fit for uploading files to S3 and setting the correct Content-Type headers for them. But... in figuring out how to do that, this article taught me a ton about how Terraform works. I wonder if that’s a useful general pattern? Get a tool to do something that it’s poorly designed to handle and see how much you learn about that tool along the way. # 6th October 2021, 6:51 pm

Folks think s3 is static assets hosting but really it’s a consistent and highly available key value store with first class blob support

Brian LeRoux # 13th May 2021, 3:01 pm

logpaste (via) Useful example of how to use the Litestream SQLite replication tool in a Dockerized application: S3 credentials are passed to the container on startup, it then attempts to restore the SQLite database from S3 and starts a Litestream process in the same container to periodically synchronize changes back up to the S3 bucket. # 17th March 2021, 3:48 pm