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Blogmarks tagged browsers

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experimental-phi3-webgpu (via) Run Microsoft’s excellent Phi-3 model directly in your browser, using WebGPU so didn’t work in Firefox for me, just in Chrome.

It fetches around 2.1GB of data into the browser cache on first run, but then gave me decent quality responses to my prompts running at an impressive 21 tokens a second (M2, 64GB).

I think Phi-3 is the highest quality model of this size, so it’s a really good fit for running in a browser like this. # 9th May 2024, 10:21 pm

Streaming HTML out of order without JavaScript (via) A really interesting new browser capability. If you serve the following HTML:

<template shadowrootmode="open">
  <slot name="item-1">Loading...</slot>

Then later in the same page stream an element specifying that slot:

<span slot="item-1">Item number 1</span>

The previous slot will be replaced while the page continues to load.

I tried the demo in the most recent Chrome, Safari and Firefox (and Mobile Safari) and it worked in all of them.

The key feature is shadowrootmode=open, which looks like it was added to Firefox 123 on February 19th 2024 - the other two browsers are listed on as gaining it around March last year. # 1st March 2024, 4:59 pm

iOS 17.4 Introduces Alternative App Marketplaces With No Commission in EU. The most exciting detail tucked away in this story about new EU policies from iOS 17.4 onwards: “Apple is giving app developers in the EU access to NFC and allowing for alternative browser engines, so WebKit will not be required for third-party browser apps.”

Finally, browser engine competition on iOS! I really hope this results in a future worldwide policy allowing such engines. # 25th January 2024, 8:19 pm

How we’re building a browser when it’s supposed to be impossible (via) Andreas Kling: “The ECMAScript, HTML, and CSS specifications today are (for the most part) stellar technical documents whose algorithms can be implemented with considerably less effort and guesswork than in the past.” The Ladybird project is such an inspiration, and really demonstrates the enormous value of the work put in by web standards spec authors over the last twenty years. # 11th April 2023, 10:18 am

Web Stable Diffusion (via) I just ran the full Stable Diffusion image generation model entirely in my browser, and used it to generate an image (of two raccoons eating pie in the woods, see “via” link). I had to use Google Chrome Canary since this depends on WebGPU which still isn’t fully rolled out, but it worked perfectly. # 17th March 2023, 4:46 am

TabFS (via) “TabFS is a browser extension that mounts your browser tabs as a filesystem on your computer.” What a fascinating idea! Each browser tab gets a virtual directory (via FUSE) with “files” representing the tab title, contents and any resources that have been loaded by that page. You can edit files in those folders to live-update the content that’s loaded in your browser! # 19th February 2023, 4:08 pm

Servo to Advance in 2023 (via) This is excellent news: Serve, the browser-in-Rust project started by Mozilla in 2012 that produced the Rust programming language, is getting re-activated with four new full-time developers provided by Igalia.

Igalia are a fascinating organization—I hadn’t realized quite how influential they’ve been until I read their Wikipedia page just now

They’ve been around since 2001, and “in 2019 they were the #2 committers to both the WebKit and Chromium codebases and in the top 10 contributors to Gecko/Servo”—including implementing and maintaining CSS Grid Layout! # 16th January 2023, 5:08 pm

Ladybird: A new cross-platform browser project (via) Conventional wisdom is that building a new browser engine from scratch is impossible without enormous capital outlay and many people working together for many years. Andreas Kling has been disproving that for a while now with his SerenityOS from-scratch operating system project, which includes a brand new browser implemented in C++. Now Andreas is announcing his plans to extract that browser as Ladybird and make it run across multiple platforms. Andreas is a former WebKit engineer (at Nokia and then Apple) and really knows his stuff: Ladybird already passes the Acid3 test! # 12th September 2022, 7:34 pm

Let websites framebust out of native apps (via) Adrian Holovaty makes a compelling case that it is Not OK that we allow native mobile apps to embed our websites in their own browsers, including the ability for them to modify and intercept those pages (it turned out today that Instagram injects extra JavaScript into pages loaded within the Instagram in-app browser). He compares this to frame-busting on the regular web, and proposes that the X-Frame-Options: DENY header which browsers support to prevent a page from being framed should be upgraded to apply to native embedded browsers as well.

I’m not convinced that reusing X-Frame-Options: DENY would be the best approach—I think it would break too many existing legitimate uses—but a similar option (or a similar header) specifically for native apps which causes pages to load in the native OS browser instead sounds like a fantastic idea to me. # 10th August 2022, 10:29 pm

Paint Holding—reducing the flash of white on same-origin navigations. I missed this when it happened back in 2019: Chrome (and apparently Safari too—not sure about Firefox) implemented a feature where rather than showing a blank screen in between page navigations Chrome “waits briefly before starting to paint, especially if the page is fast enough”. As a result, fast loading multi-page applications become almost indistinguishable from SPAs (single-page apps). It’s a really neat feature, and now that I know how it works I realize that it explains why page navigations have felt a lot snappier to me over the past few years. # 22nd May 2022, 2:50 am (via) Absurdly clever application of service workers and the file system API: you can select a folder from your computer and the contents of that folder will be served (just to you) from a path on this website—all without uploading any content. The code is on GitHub and offers a useful, succinct introduction to how to use those APIs. # 12th December 2021, 6:32 pm

Web Browser Engineering (via) In progress free online book by Pavel Panchekha and Chris Harrelson that demonstrates how a web browser works by writing one from scratch using Python, tkinter and the DukPy wrapper around the Duktape JavaScript interpreter. # 17th October 2021, 3:53 pm

What is a Polyfill? Useful new term: a Polyfill is “a shim that mimics a future API providing fallback functionality to older browsers”. # 9th October 2010, 11:48 am

Velocity: Forcing Gzip Compression. Almost every browser supports gzip these days, but 15% of web requests have had their Accept-Encoding header stripped or mangled, generally due to poorly implemented proxies or anti-virus software. Steve Souders passes on a trick used by Google Search, where an iframe is used to test the browser’s gzip support and set a cookie to force gzipping of future pages. # 30th September 2010, 5:45 pm

Jeremiah Grossman: I know who your name, where you work, and live. Appalling unfixed vulnerability in Safari 4 and 5 —if you have the “AutoFill web forms using info from my Address Book card” feature enabled (it’s on by default) malicious JavaScript on any site can steal your name, company, state and e-mail address—and would be able to get your phone number too if there wasn’t a bug involving strings that start with a number. The temporary fix is to disable that preference. # 22nd July 2010, 8:44 am

WebKit, Mobile, and Progress. Alex Russell responds to PPK’s analysis of the many different WebKit variants in today’s mobile phones, pointing out that the replacement cycle and increasing quality of WebKit in more recent phones means the situation still looks pretty good. # 10th October 2009, 12:28 am

CSS 3: Progress! Alex Russell on the new exciting stuff going in to CSS 3 based on real-world implementations in the modern set of browsers. Of particular interest is the new Flexible Box specification, which specifies new layout primitives hbox and vbox (as seen in XUL) and is already supported by both WebKit and Gecko. # 22nd August 2009, 11:52 am

Microsoft backs long life for IE6. Oh FFS... “The software giant said it would support IE6 until 2014—four years beyond the original deadline.” # 14th August 2009, 2:53 pm

MoD sticks with insecure browser. Tom Watson MP used parliamentary written answers to find out that the majority of government departments still require their staff to use IE6, and not all of them have upgrade plans to 7 or 8. Not a single department considered an alternative browser. “Many civil servants use web browsers as a tool of their trade. They’re as important as pens and paper. So to force them to use the most decrepit browser in the world is a rare form of workplace cruelty that should be stopped.” # 24th July 2009, 10:18 am

HTML 5 Parsing. Firefox nightlies include a new parser that implements the HTML5 parsing algorithm (disabled by default), which uses C++ code automatically generated from Henri Sivonen’s Java parser first used in the HTML5 validator. # 11th July 2009, 11:36 pm

Firefox 3.5 for developers. It’s out today, and the feature list is huge. Highlights include HTML 5 drag ’n’ drop, audio and video elements, offline resources, downloadable fonts, text-shadow, CSS transforms with -moz-transform, localStorage, geolocation, web workers, trackpad swipe events, native JSON, cross-site HTTP requests, text API for canvas, defer attribute for the script element and TraceMonkey for better JS performance! # 30th June 2009, 6:08 pm

Google asked people in Times Square:“What is a browser?”. Stuff like this makes me despair for creating a secure web—what chance do people have of surfing safely if they don’t understand browsers, web sites, operating systems, DNS, URLs, SSL, certificates... # 20th June 2009, 1:25 am

Changes in Opera’s user agent string format (via) How depressing... Opera 10 will ship with 9.80 in the User-Agent string because badly written browser sniffing scripts can’t cope with double digits. # 28th May 2009, 1:16 am

Critical Mac OS X Java Vulnerabilities. There’s a five month old Java arbitrary code execution vulnerability which hasn’t yet been patched by Apple. Disable Java applets in your browser until it’s fixed, or random web pages could execute commands on your machine as your user account. # 19th May 2009, 7:07 pm

Cross Browser Base64 Encoded Images Embedded in HTML (via) Scarily clever. View the PHP source to see what’s going on—most browsers get image tags that use data URIs starting with data:image/png;base64, but IE gets served a Content-type:message/rfc822 header and a MIME formatted multipart/related document, as used by e-mail clients to embed inline image attachments. # 17th April 2009, 4:12 pm

10 Cool Things We’ll Be Able To Do Once IE6 Is Dead. Highlights include child and attribute selectors, 24bit PNGs and max-width and min-width. Simple pleasures, but I can hardly wait. # 15th April 2009, 2:17 pm

cufon. A promising alternative to sIFR, cufon uses VML on IE and canvas on other browsers to render custom fonts in the browser. You have to convert your font to JavaScript first, either using their free hosted tool or by installing the FontForge based server-side script yourself. The JavaScript encoded font file uses VML primitives to improve IE performance; the JavaScript library converts that to canvas calls for other, faster browsers. # 6th April 2009, 10:29 pm

Pwn2Own trifecta: Hacker exploits IE8, Firefox, Safari. You just can’t trust browser security: Current versions of Safari, IE8 and Firefox all fell to zero-day flaws at an exploit competition. None of the vulnerabilities have been disclosed yet. # 19th March 2009, 3:30 pm

Getting OpenID Into the Browser. David Recordon makes the case for online identity management as a key browser feature (I like the “your browser is currently locked” concept), and argues that Gears is in a great position to deliver it. # 3rd December 2008, 10 am

The March of Access Control. The W3C Access Control specification is set to become a key technology in enabling secure cross-domain APIs within browsers, and since it addresses a legitimate security issue on the web I hope and expect it will be rolled out a lot faster than most other specs. # 19th November 2008, 8:40 am