Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged django, sql

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Django SQL Dashboard 1.0

Earlier this week I released Django SQL Dashboard 1.0. I also just released 1.0.1, with a bug fix for PostgreSQL 10 contributed by Ryan Cheley.

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Django SQL Dashboard 1.0 (via) As part of my ongoing attempt to be braver about 1.0 releases (crucial if you want to do semantic versioning properly) I’ve released version 1.0 of Django SQL Dashboard, my Datasette-inspired app for Django that adds an interface for running read-only, bookmarkable SQL queries against a PostgreSQL database. The new version adds a column cog menu providing shortcuts for changing the sort order, counting distinct values and performing a group-by/count against column values. # 1st July 2021, 5:44 pm

Django SQL Dashboard

I’ve released the first non-alpha version of Django SQL Dashboard, which provides an interface for running arbitrary read-only SQL queries directly against a PostgreSQL database, protected by the Django authentication scheme. It can also be used to create saved dashboards that can be published or shared internally.

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Weeknotes: tableau-to-sqlite, django-sql-dashboard

This week I started a limited production run of my new backend for Vaccinate CA calling, built a tableau-to-sqlite import tool and started working on a subset of Datasette for PostgreSQL and Django called django-sql-dashboard.

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Appending the request URL to SQL statements in Django. A clever frame-walking monkey-patch which pulls the most recent HttpRequest object out of the Python stack and adds the current request.path to each SQL query as an SQL comment, so you can see it in debugging tools such as slow query logs and the PostgreSQL “select * from pg_stat_activity” query. # 2nd June 2010, 9:09 am

django-batch-select (via) A smart attempt at solving select_related for many-to-many relationships in Django. Add a custom manager to your model and call e.g. Entry.objects.all()[:10].batch_select(“tags”) to execute two queries—one pulling back the first ten entries and another using an “IN” query against the tags table to pull back all of the tags for those entries in one go. # 23rd November 2009, 4:19 pm

python-sqlparse (via) Python library for re-identing SQL statements. This could make debugging Django’s generated SQL a whole lot easier. You can try the library out using an App Engine hosted application (complete with an API). # 28th April 2009, 8:25 pm

Secrets of the Django ORM. An undocumented (and unsupported) method of poking a Django QuerySet’s internal query to add group_by and having clauses to a SQL query. # 8th November 2008, 11:49 pm

IronPython, MS SQL, and PEP 249. How Dino Viehland got Django’s ORM to talk to the .NET database layer. # 19th March 2008, 9:46 am

Queryset Implementation. Malcolm explains the work that has gone in to the queryset-refactor branch. Executive summary: Python’s ORM is probably a lot better at SQL than you are. # 19th March 2008, 9:43 am

django-mptt (via) Jonathan Buchanan’s simple utility for performing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (efficient tree operations in SQL) on Django models. # 29th December 2007, 11:33 am

DbMigration—a schema migration tool for Django. Nice and simple tool for adding schema migrations to a Django application. # 27th September 2007, 3:04 pm

Finding Lookup Items that Are Not Used. How to do left outer joins (and other custom SQL) using the Django ORM. # 13th August 2007, 5:08 pm