Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 24th July 2023

sqlite-utils now supports plugins

Visit sqlite-utils now supports plugins

sqlite-utils 3.34 is out with a major new feature: support for plugins.

[... 1,327 words]

LLM can now be installed directly from Homebrew (via) I spent a bunch of time on this at the weekend: my LLM tool for interacting with large language models from the terminal has now been accepted into Homebrew core, and can be installed directly using “brew install llm”. I was previously running my own separate tap, but having it in core means that it benefits from Homebrew’s impressive set of build systems—each release of LLM now has Bottles created for it automatically across a range of platforms, so “brew install llm” should quickly download binary assets rather than spending several minutes installing dependencies the slow way.

# 5:16 pm / llm, generative-ai, projects, homebrew, ai, llms

asgi-replay. As part of submitting LLM to Homebrew core I needed an automated test that demonstrated that the tool was working—but I couldn’t test against the live OpenAI API because I didn’t want to have to reveal my API token as part of the test. I solved this by creating a dummy HTTP endpoint that simulates a hit to the OpenAI API, then configuring the Homebrew test to hit that instead. As part of THAT I ended up building this tiny tool which uses my asgi-proxy-lib package to intercept and log the details of hits made to a service, then provides a mechanism to replay that traffic.

# 7:51 pm / projects, asgi

2023 » July
