Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 26th March 2008

getElementsByClassName pre Prototype 1.6. Older releases of Prototype break in Firefox 3 and Safari 3.1 due to unsafe namespace management—getElementsByClassName is now a browser built-in but with different semantics to the Prototype method of the same name. Prototype 1.6 is fine.

# 8:28 am / getelementsbyclassname, javascript, john-resig, firefox3, namespaces, prototype, safari

Djangofriendly (via) Ryan Berg’s attractive new site collecting ratings and reviews for web hosts that support Django. I’m still happily hosted on a bytemark VPS, which isn’t currently listed on the site.

# 8:47 am / ryan-berg, django, hosting, bytemark, python, vps

The Principles Of Project Management (via) Meri’s book has been published by SitePoint.

# 12:12 pm / meriwilliams, project-management, sitepoint, books

Setup mod_wsgi for Django and Shared Hosting. Tutorial by David Cramer; attached are useful comments from mod_wsgi author Graham Dumpleton.

# 2:42 pm / modwsgi, wsgi, hosting, django, python, david-cramer, graham-dumpleton

The real roadblocks to data portability on social networks. A bunch of smart questions posed by Facebook’s Dave Morin. This is why I think data portability is the wrong framing—moving data between sites is really hard. Importing social relationships between sites is much more viable (hence my interest in social network portability). Also, the complaints about systems sharing e-mail addresses are neatly addressed by using OpenID as the GUID for a user instead. OpenIDs can’t be spammed.

# 7:53 pm / openid, facebook, dave-morin, robert-scoble, data-portability, guid, portablesocialnetworks

Opera and the Acid3 Test. Screenshot shows 100/100 (live code or it didn’t happen!)—Opera’s codebase must be in extremely good shape to fix so many issues so quickly.

# 10:47 pm / opera, browsers, acid3, web-standards

2008 » March
