Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 31st October 2007

Google Announces the OpenSocial API. I doubt the similarity between this and Brad Fitzpatrick’s social graph paper are a coincidence—what IS impressive is that he only joined Google a couple of months ago.

# 4:34 pm / brad-fitzpatrick, google, socialgraph, opensocial, apis

I Love My Chicken Wire Mommy (via) Ben Brown discusses Consumating’s points system, and the problems that it caused within the site’s community. I’m always fascinated by how small features like this can have an enormous effect on how people use a site.

# 4:56 pm / ben-brown, smallthings, points, consumating

Marc Andreesen on Open Social. Marc describes it as an open standard for implementing Facebook style “containers” that other applications can live in. My initial assumption that it was an implementation of the Social Graph paper ideas was incorrect.

# 4:58 pm / marcandreesen, opensocial, google, socialgraph

Sorry PR people: you’re blocked. I was added to some PR mailing lists a few months ago and they appear to be spreading my address around like a nasty disease. I’m tempted to contribute some addresses to Chris Anderson’s block list.

# 5:22 pm / email, chris-anderson, pr, spam

A Roundup Of Leopard Security Features (via) Thomas Ptacek’s overview of the new security features in Leopard. Guest Accounts are worthless from a security P.O.V., but I still plan to use one for our PowerBook that’s now just a media player.

# 5:30 pm / leopard, osx, security, thomas-ptacek, apple

Python on Leopard. readline is finally bundled, so the interactive interpreter works correctly without hunting around for frustratingly elusive add-ons. easy_install is bundled as well.

# 5:53 pm / python, readline, leopard, setuptools, osx, christopher-lenz

"The web is fundamentally better when it's social, and we're only just starting to see what's possible when you bring social information into different contexts on the web," said XXXX.

Google's unreleased OpenSocial Press Release

# 6:39 pm / funny, google, opensocial, pr