Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 24th October 2007

Upgrading to Prototype 1.6: real world examples. I still don’t find Prototype as intuitive as jQuery, but the API improvements between 1.5 and 1.6 are very impressive.

# 7:19 pm / javascript, libraries, jquery, prototype, radiantcms

Using the extra() QuerySet modifier in Django for WeGoEat. You can use select() on a QuerySet to obtain extra values using subqueries.

# 7:28 pm / django, orm, queryset, python, subqueries, ryan-kanno

A school in the UK is using RFID chips in school uniforms to track attendance. So now it's easy to cut class; just ask someone to carry your shirt around the building while you're elsewhere.

Bruce Schneier

# 8:36 pm / security, uk, rfid, schools, bruce-schneier

Virtual Machine Creator (via) Web based tool for creating blank VMware compatible virtual machine images; uses QEMU under the hood.

# 10:19 pm / vmware, qemu, virtualisation, virtualmachines