Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 25th December 2006 fun with automated links. Nat’s documented one of’ least promoted features—the ability to auto-post your links to your weblog once a day.

# 12:26 am / natalie-downe, delicious

What is the physically smallest and cheapest laptop capable of running OS X?

Apple rumors are worth approximately nothing, but there’s one going around that a ultra-slim 12“ MacBook Pro is going to be announced at MacWorld Expo some time in the second week of January; might be worth holding on until then to see if there’s any truth to it. There’s certainly a 12” sized hole in the line-up at the moment.

[... 81 words]

Serving Multiple Hosts from a Single Django Instance. Includes a patch to pull the urlconf from the request object, where it has been placed by some custom middleware.

# 11:21 pm / django, urlconf