Simon Willison’s Weblog


April 2005

April 28, 2005

A Firefox observation

There are (to my knowledge) around 80 people on my undergraduate computer science course. Of those 80, I know of at least fourfive who’s final year project involves writing a Firefox extension of some sort. That’s 1 in 2016.

[... 71 words]

Firefox Counter. How the Firefox counter works.

# 6 pm / javascript, firefox

Bumpspark Library-less Minigraphs (via) It’s that neat data:uri hack but for Ruby and without needing an external image library.

# 10:19 pm

Adactio Elsewhere (via) Jeremy Keith shows off some of his Ajax / web service API skills.

# 10:21 pm

April 29, 2005

So, when will KHTML merge all the WebCore changes? (via) Sadly, it seems that cooperation between Safari and Konqueror developers is mostly a myth.

# 2:31 am

getSelection() Workaround for Safari 1.3 and Firefox 1.0.3. One of those things that’s just handy to know.

# 5:42 am / firefox

2005 » April
