Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 14th April 2005

Lawrence, Kansas: Convergence Capital USA (via) NPR report on my former place of work.

# 8:59 am

Check Range user script. The bookmarklet master dips his toes in to Greasemonkey.

# 12:46 pm

PSP Browser Object Support (via) The PSP’s built-in browser has very basic JavaScript support.

# 12:51 pm

Mozilla XPath Documentation. This is extremely useful for writing Greasemonkey user scripts.

# 12:57 pm

Greasemonkey FUD

Wow, that didn’t take long. Via the Greasemonkey mailing list, Forrester Research have released a report entitled Greasemonkey Primes Firefox For Embarrassment. I have no intention of paying the $49 asking price for the full 3 page report (!), but here’s the executive summary:

[... 283 words]

Avalon/XAML First Look (via) Dave Shea is concerned about XAML polluting the web. So am I.

# 9:54 pm

Definitive Solution to Image Replacement (?) (via) Uses scary hacks and HTCs, but seems to cover all the bases.

# 9:58 pm

2005 » April
