Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 2nd September 2004

BarlowFriendz: Dancarchy Reigns! RNC protesting with a smile and a jiggle.

# 1:33 am

Screenscraping the Senate. Paul Ford’s new column for

# 1:35 am

Movable Type 3.1 Still a Developer Edition? It looks like MT is running up against the limitations of static publishing.

# 1:53 am

Blogzilla: And We’re Back!! Thanks to RSS, I never even noticed they’d gone.

# 6:36 am

The Unpolitical Animal (via) A look at what influences the average voter. Fascinating reading no matter which side you are.

# 7:05 am

Afghanistan VoIP. Thanks to VoIP, Afghanistan shares a dial code with Northampton.

# 6:09 pm

Programming, aesthetics, and religion. Another thoughtful post on programming languages from Ronaldo.

# 8:56 pm

Markdown | Gadgetopia. I hadn’t quite grokked the importance of allowing links to become footnotes.

# 11:26 pm