Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 10th December 2003

Inherent insecurity (via) Desktops are secure, thin clients aren’t, but Microsoft can’t push thin clients

# 7 pm

Tidy service for the Desperate Blog Hacker (via) The easiest kind of web service: post HTML to it, get back tidied XHTML

# 7:01 pm

SSLCrypto (via) Same simple API as ezPyCrypto, but with added performance of OpenSSL

# 7:02 pm

Who will be eaten first? (via) Cthulhu Chick Tract—beautiful

# 10:52 pm

Implementing filesystems in Python

LUFS-Python provides a relatively simple API for implementing new Linux filesystems in pure Python. You install the package, write a class implementing methods for handling filesystem operations such as creating a directory, opening/reading/writing/closing a file, creating symlinks etc and finally mount your new filesystem with some special arguments to the mount command.

[... 371 words]