Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 8th April 2003

Hydra: Collaborative text editing

Via Sam Buchanan, Hydra is a remarkably innovative text editor that allows multiple users, via a network, to edit the same document at the same time and have it update live on each other’s screens. This screenshot probably demonstrates it best, showing multiple participants working on the same code simultaneously. The colour coding (where each person’s edits shows up in a different colour) is a particularly nice touch. Unfortunately, Hydra is only available for Mac OS X so I can’t try it out myself. Hopefully they’ll release the code at some point and let aspiring Windows / Unix hackers try and port it to their respective platforms.

Accessible Python

A post on Bryan Richard’s blog about Safari leads to a query about whether or not Py (a Python print magazine) should move to PDF, which in turn leads to a fascinating discussion about the accessibility of both websites and Python source code itself. Well worth taking the time to read.


Via Sam Buchanan, Daniel Savard’s incredibly useful LiveHTTPHeaders addon for Mozilla and Phoenix. It adds an extra tab to the Page Info dialog with the full HTTP headers sent with the page, and also adds a HTTP Headers tool to the Tools menu which can be used to watch and debug HTTP requests in real time. I wish I’d known about this when I was developing HttpClient.

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The Buzz

Russell Beattie rants with zealot passion about how next generation mobile phones will change the way we live:

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Category specific RSS feeds

I frequently check the Python Programmer Weblogs page for an addition to my daily blogging fix. It’s a simple but very effective idea: Subscribe an aggregator to a bunch of feeds about a similar topic and publish the results for all to see. I’m one of the more prolific bloggers of the ones listed there, and since I tend to post a whole bunch of entries in a relatively narrow timeframe my stuff often appears in a big lump on the front page of the site. I’ve been feeling slightly guilty about this, as most of my posts have nothing to do with Python at all. So I’ve finally got my act together and knocked out RSS feeds for individual blog categories.

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Via the XHTML-L mailing list, Simon St.Laurent’s XHTML tips archive. An abundance of useful XHTML related information.

2003 » April
