Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 7th April 2003


On, Flexible Node Retrieval introduces a new addition to the getElementsBy* family of javascript functions, getNodesByType. This general purpose function uses a callback function to “filter” the child nodes of a DOM element. It works a bit like PHP’s array_filter function. One for the toolbox.

Free Mike Hawash

I thought the US was meant to be the land of the free.

A new Yahoo

New York Times: Yahoo Plans Improvements in Effort to Regain Lost Ground. I’m guessing this is what it’s going to look like (via thelist).

More on the new Yahoo

Unsurprisingly, the new Yahoo is generating a whole load of commentary. There’s a good thread going on Signals vs Noise, and ia/ has coverage as well. I’ve been playing with it a bit and it’s definitely an immense improvement on the current Yahoo, although it’s still not quite as usable or responsive as Google. I also noticed that the search results are exactly the same as Google’s (even for image search) so it looks like Yahoo haven’t switched over to Inktomi just yet.

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2003 » April
