Simon Willison’s Weblog


18 items tagged “web-performance”


Add ETag header for static responses. I’ve been procrastinating on adding better caching headers for static assets (JavaScript and CSS) served by Datasette for several years, because I’ve been wanting to implement the perfect solution that sets far-future cache headers on every asset and ensures the URLs change when they are updated.

Agustin Bacigalup just submitted the best kind of pull request: he observed that adding ETag support for static assets would side-step the complexity while adding much of the benefit, and implemented it along with tests.

It’s a substantial performance improvement for any Datasette instance with a number of JavaScript plugins... like the ones we are building on Datasette Cloud. I’m just annoyed we didn’t ship something like this sooner!

# 17th March 2024, 7:25 pm / etags, web-performance, datasette, datasette-cloud

Speedometer 3.0: The Best Way Yet to Measure Browser Performance. The new browser performance testing suite, released as a collaboration between Blink, Gecko, and WebKit. It’s fun to run this in your browser and watch it rattle through 580 tests written using a wide variety of modern JavaScript frameworks and visualization libraries.

# 12th March 2024, 4:26 am / benchmarks, javascript, web-performance

JavaScript Bloat in 2024 (via) Depressing review of the state of page bloat in 2024 by Nikita Prokopov. Some of these are pretty shocking: 12MB for a search, 9MB for a Google search, 20MB for Gmail(!), 31MB for LinkedIn. No wonder the modern web can feel sludgy even on my M2 MacBook Pro.

# 22nd February 2024, 11:31 pm / web-performance


TL;DR: To serve users at the 75th percentile (P75) of devices and networks, we can now afford ~150KiB of HTML/CSS/fonts and ~300-350KiB of JavaScript (gzipped). This is a slight improvement on last year's budgets, thanks to device and network improvements. [... This is] what we should be aiming to send over the wire per page in 2023 to reach interactivity in less than 5 seconds on first load

Alex Russell

# 20th December 2022, 9:54 am / web-performance, alex-russell

lite-youtube-embed (via) Handy Web Component wrapper around the standard YouTube iframe embed which knocks over 500KB of JavaScript off the initial page load—I just added this to the homepage and increased the Lighthouse performance score from 51 to 93!

# 8th March 2022, 9:13 pm / iframes, paul-irish, youtube, web-performance, webcomponents

The baseline for web development in 2022 (via) “TL;DR:The baseline for web development in 2022 is: low-spec Android devices in terms of performance, Safari from two years before in terms of Web Standards, and 4G in terms of networks. The web in general is not answering those needs properly, especially in terms of performance where factors such as an over-dependence on JavaScript are hindering our sites’ performance.”

# 27th January 2022, 8:09 pm / web-performance


Y'all decided you could send 6x as much script because the high-end could take it...but the next billion users can't. There might have been budget for 2x, but not 6x. Not by a long shot.

Alex Russell

# 9th August 2019, 6:53 am / web-performance, alex-russell

Optimizing for the mobile web: Moving from Angular to Preact. Grubhub reduced their mobile web load times from 9-11s to 3-4s by replacing Angular with Preact (and replacing other libraries such as lodash with native JavaScript code). The conversion took 6 months and involved running Angular and Preact simultaneously during the transition—not a huge additional overhead as Preact itself is only 4KB. They used TypeScript throughout and credit it with providing a great deal of confidence and productivity to the overall refactoring.

# 5th August 2019, 12:26 pm / javascript, refactoring, web-performance

When should you be using Web Workers? 85% of worldwide mobile devices are massively less performant than high end iPhones. Surma argues that we should be making aggressive use of Web Workers to keep as much of our JavaScript as possible off the main UI thread, to avoid freezing up the entire interface.

# 15th June 2019, 4:31 am / javascript, mobile, webworkers, web-performance

If you want the fastest website despite implementation difficulty, the answer is: SSR behind a CDN with assets in best compression formats (webp, Brotli, woff2) served over http2 (or 3) from same origin with JS as enhancement only

Mike Sherov

# 15th February 2019, 7:12 pm / cdn, http2, web-performance, javascript


Squoosh. This is by far the most useful example of web assembly I’ve seen so far: Squoosh is a progressive web app for image optimization (JPEG, PNG, GIF, SVG and more) which uses emscripten-compiled versions of best in breed image codec implementations to provide a browser interface for applying and previewing those optimizations.

# 12th November 2018, 11:15 pm / images, web-performance, webassembly

A Netflix Web Performance Case Study (via) Fascinating description of how Netflix knocked the 3G loading times of their homepage in half for logged-out users by rendering the React templates on the server-side and using the bare amount of vanilla JavaScript necessary to get the homepage interactive—then XHR prefetching the full React code needed to power the subsequent signup flow. Via Alex Russell, who tweets “I’m increasingly optimistic that we can cap JS emissions by quarantining legacy frameworks to the server side.”

# 6th November 2018, 8:54 pm / alex-russell, javascript, netflix, web-performance, react

The current homepage clocks in at 1.9MB of CSS (156KB compressed). After re-building a fully-functional version of the homepage with CSS Blocks, we were able to serve the same page with just 38KB of CSS. To be clear: that's the uncompressed size. After compression, that CSS file weighed in at less than 9KB!

Chris Eppstein

# 24th April 2018, 8:40 pm / linkedin, css, web-performance

The biggest bottleneck in web performance today is CPU. Compared to seven years ago, there’s 5x more JavaScript downloaded on the top 1000 websites over the last seven years, and 3x more CSS. Half of web activity comes from mobile devices with a smaller CPU and limited battery power.

Steve Souders

# 18th January 2018, 2:39 pm / web-performance, steve-souders


The Best Request Is No Request, Revisited · An A List Apart Article. In HTTP/2 the rules have changed: serving unnecessary code as part of a larger bundle to avoid extra request overhead no longer makes sense. Splitting your code into many files and loading just the ones needed by the current page can knock seconds off your load time.

# 28th November 2017, 3:50 pm / web-performance, http2

Can You Afford It?: Real-world Web Performance Budgets. Alex Russell’s magnum opus on web performance budgets in 2017. He proposes a baseline testing device equivalent to a $200 Android phone on a slow 3G network emulated at 400ms RTT/400Kbps transfer and encourages a goal of 5s time-to-interactive on first load and 2s TTI for subsequent views. This means around 130kb of gzipped JavaScript—challenging but not impossible with modern JavaScript frameworks.

# 23rd October 2017, 1:51 pm / alex-russell, javascript, web-performance

WPO Stats (via) “Case studies and experiments demonstrating the impact of web performance optimization (WPO) on user experience and business metrics.“

# 11th October 2017, 1:36 am / web-performance


Web Performance: What is the best way to measure page load times on different locations of the world?

Google Analytics has a built-in “Site Speed” report with a geographical map that can help with this (under Standard Reporting > CONTENT > Site Speed > Map Overlay).

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