4 posts tagged “uuid”
Writing down (and searching through) every UUID (via) Nolen Royalty built everyuuid.com, and this write-up of how he built it is utterly delightful.
First challenge: infinite scroll.
Browsers do not want to render a window that is over a trillion trillion pixels high, so I needed to handle scrolling and rendering on my own.
That means implementing hot keys and mouse wheel support and custom scroll bars with animation... mostly implemented with the help of Claude.
The really fun stuff is how Nolen implemented custom ordering - because "Scrolling through a list of UUIDs should be exciting!", but "it’d be disappointing if you scrolled through every UUID and realized that you hadn’t seen one. And it’d be very hard to show someone a UUID that you found if you couldn’t scroll back to the same spot to find it."
And if that wasn't enough... full text search! How can you efficiently search (or at least pseudo-search) for text across 5.3 septillion values? The trick there turned out to be generating a bunch of valid UUIDv4s containing the requested string and then picking the one closest to the current position on the page.
sqlite-ulid. Alex Garcia’s sqlite-ulid adds lightning-fast SQL functions for generating ULIDs—Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers. These work like UUIDs but are smaller and faster to generate, and can be canonically encoded as a URL-safe 26 character string (UUIDs are 36 characters). Again, this builds on a Rust crate—ulid-rs—and can generate 1 million byte-represented ULIDs with the ulid_bytes() function in just 88.4ms.
uuidd.py. Neat implementation of an ID server from Mike Malone—it serves up incrementing integers over a socket (using Python’s asyncore for fast IO) and records state to a file only after every 10,000 IDs served, so most of the time it’s not reading or writing to disk at all. If the server crashes it doesn’t matter because it can start up again at an integer it’s sure hasn’t been used before.
PostgreSQL 8.3 beta 4 release notes. In addition to the huge speed improvements, 8.3 adds support for XML, UUID and ENUM data types and brings full text (tsearch2) in to the core database engine.