Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for the-guardian

6 posts tagged “the-guardian”


Now you don’t even need code to be a programmer. But you do still need expertise. My recent piece on how I use LLMs to help me write code got a positive mention in John Naughton's column about vibe-coding in the Guardian this weekend.

My hunch about Apple Intelligence Siri features being delayed due to prompt injection also got a mention in the most recent episode of the New York Times Hard Fork podcast.

# 16th March 2025, 11:07 pm / ai-assisted-programming, the-guardian, generative-ai, ai, llms, vibe-coding


Videos from DjangoCon 2009. The videos from September's DjangoCon are now available, including my "Cowboy development with Django" talk (also on the Internet Archive).

I talked about building Wildlife Near You on a /dev/fort trip to Alderney and the MP's expenses project at the Guardian.

# 3rd January 2010, 11:02 am / django, python, videos, conferences, djangocon, wildlifenearyou, the-guardian


Some Darwinists might say your optimal strategy would be to pair-bond with the older male but surreptitiously allow the younger, sexy male to fertilise you. But be careful, most men consider being cuckolded the greatest of betrayals.

The Guardian's Evolutionary Agony Aunt

# 16th December 2009, 3:20 pm / evolution, the-guardian, funny

US economic data spreadsheets from the Guardian. At the Guardian we’ve just released a bunch of economic data about the US painstakingly collected by Simon Rogers, our top data journalist, as Google Docs spreadsheets. Get your data here.

# 16th January 2009, 6:17 pm / the-guardian, simon-rogers, data, spreadsheets, google-docs, economics, usa


Results from Hack Day at The Guardian. A full list of hacks from last week’s hack day.

# 19th November 2008, 9:57 am / hackday, the-guardian

Notes from Hack Day at The Guardian. Our first hack day was a ridiculous amount of fun. Matt’s write-up includes a 15 minute highlight video, which includes my 90 second presentation of my crowdsourcing SVG-powered parliamentary constituencies hack.

# 18th November 2008, 11:42 pm / hacks, hackday, the-guardian, matt-mcalister