4 posts tagged “social”
Redis in Practice: Who’s Online? Using Redis to implement a “which of your friends are online now” feature, by maintaining a set of active user IDs for every minute, then intersecting the past five minutes of user IDs with a set containing the IDs of your friends.
List of SxSW 2009 panels with “social” in the title
- A Hard Sell? Social Media & Your Boss
- Can Social Media End Racism?
- Digital Urbanites: How To Become Part of the New Social Capital
- The Future Of Social Networks
- How Social Networks Are Killing the Revolution
- Making Whuffie: Raising Social Capital in Online Communities
- The Mix at Six Hosted by Social Media Group
- Mobile Social SXSW BBQ
- My Boss Doesn’t Get It: Championing Social Media to the Man
- PBS’ Interactive Social Media & Online Video Studio
- The Search for a More Social Web
- Security for the Social Set
- Social Engineering: Scam Your Way Into Anything or From Anybody
- Social Gamers: Away From the Keyboard
- Social Media For Social Good
- Social Media Marketing
- Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day
- Social Media Nonprofit ROI Poetry Slam
- Social Media: If You Liked it, Then You Should Have Put a Digg on it...
- Social Networking in Health: e-Patients, Data & Privacy
- Social Patterns and Antipatterns For the Win
- Suxorz ’09: The Ten Worst Social Media Campaigns
- Twitter for Marketers: Is It Still Social Media?
- Using GPS & Location to Enhance Social Networking
- Using the New Digital Social Media to Accelerate Sustainability
Go Get Yer Shiny New Yahoo Profile... And Make Some Connections! I’m surprised to see Yahoo! going with mutual friendships as the core of their new social platform—I’ve personally found social sites which support a one-way “follow” relationship far more useful.
Python BoF and Django Drinkup (via) At OSCON? Come along to the Jax Bar tonight (Tuesday 22nd) from 7pm to 10pm to hang out with fellow Pythoneers and Djangonaughts.