Simon Willison’s Weblog


1 item tagged “presentedwithoutcomment”


List of SxSW 2009 panels with “social” in the title

  • A Hard Sell? Social Media & Your Boss
  • Can Social Media End Racism?
  • Digital Urbanites: How To Become Part of the New Social Capital
  • The Future Of Social Networks
  • How Social Networks Are Killing the Revolution
  • Making Whuffie: Raising Social Capital in Online Communities
  • The Mix at Six Hosted by Social Media Group
  • Mobile Social SXSW BBQ
  • My Boss Doesn’t Get It: Championing Social Media to the Man
  • PBS’ Interactive Social Media & Online Video Studio
  • The Search for a More Social Web
  • Security for the Social Set
  • Social Engineering: Scam Your Way Into Anything or From Anybody
  • Social Gamers: Away From the Keyboard
  • Social Media For Social Good
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day
  • Social Media Nonprofit ROI Poetry Slam
  • Social Media: If You Liked it, Then You Should Have Put a Digg on it...
  • Social Networking in Health: e-Patients, Data & Privacy
  • Social Patterns and Antipatterns For the Win
  • Suxorz ’09: The Ten Worst Social Media Campaigns
  • Twitter for Marketers: Is It Still Social Media?
  • Using GPS & Location to Enhance Social Networking
  • Using the New Digital Social Media to Accelerate Sustainability