Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for programming

155 posts tagged “programming”


Understanding Engineers: Feasibility. Charles Miller provides smart definitions of what programmers mean when they say “impossible”, “trivial”, “unfeasible”, “non-trivial”, “hard” and “very hard”.

# 17th July 2007, 10:24 am / trivial, nontrivial, language, programmers, charles-miller, programming, hard, veryhard, unfeasible

Introduction to Abject-Oriented Programming. The best part is the comments, where several people completely fail to get the joke.

# 8th July 2007, 6:24 am / abject, programming, funny, wtf


A General Theory of Programming Language Relativity. Functional languages have clearer levels of indirection.

# 12th December 2006, 8:56 am / functional, programming


Code generation vs data driven programming

Via Ned Batchelder, this interview with pragmatic Dave Thomas on code generation closely reflects my own nascent thoughts on the issue:

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