Simon Willison’s Weblog

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6 posts tagged “pr”


It is Ryanair policy not to waste time and energy corresponding with idiot bloggers and Ryanair can confirm that it won't be happening again. Lunatic bloggers can have the blog sphere all to themselves as our people are far too busy driving down the cost of air travel.


# 26th February 2009, 9:28 am / ryanair, pr, blogging, lunaticbloggers


Cluetrainwreck. Comcast’s official Twitter account is pretty creepy... “I hope we can change your perception of Comcast!”.

# 19th April 2008, 8 am / cluetrain, comcast, twitter, pr, charles-miller


"The web is fundamentally better when it's social, and we're only just starting to see what's possible when you bring social information into different contexts on the web," said XXXX.

Google's unreleased OpenSocial Press Release

# 31st October 2007, 6:39 pm / funny, google, opensocial, pr

Sorry PR people: you’re blocked. I was added to some PR mailing lists a few months ago and they appear to be spreading my address around like a nasty disease. I’m tempted to contribute some addresses to Chris Anderson’s block list.

# 31st October 2007, 5:22 pm / email, chris-anderson, pr, spam

Imaginary numbers. “We would like to back up our survey with an equation from an expert to work out which celebrity has the sexiest walk, with theory behind it”—Ben Goldacre provides inside information on how PR firms invent science to back up their campaigns.

# 3rd September 2007, 6:22 pm / ben-goldacre, pr, science, badscience

E-Voting Ballots Not Secret; Vendors Don’t See Problem. “You know things are bad when questions about a technical matter like security are answered by a public-relations firm.”

# 20th August 2007, 3:19 pm / evoting, security, pr, ed-felten