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6 posts tagged “jinja”


MiniJinja: Learnings from Building a Template Engine in Rust (via) Armin Ronacher's MiniJinja is his re-implemenation of the Python Jinja2 (originally built by Armin) templating language in Rust.

It's nearly three years old now and, in Armin's words, "it's at almost feature parity with Jinja2 and quite enjoyable to use".

The WebAssembly compiled demo in the MiniJinja Playground is fun to try out. It includes the ability to output instructions, so you can see how this:

  {%- for item in nav %}
    <li>{{ item.title }}</a>
  {%- endfor %}

Becomes this:

0   EmitRaw "<ul>"
1   Lookup  "nav"
2   PushLoop    1
3   Iterate 11
4   StoreLocal  "item"
5   EmitRaw "\n <li>"
6   Lookup  "item"
7   GetAttr "title"
8   Emit    
9   EmitRaw "</a>"
10  Jump    3
11  PopFrame    
12  EmitRaw "\n</ul>"

# 27th August 2024, 3:47 pm / armin-ronacher, templates, rust, webassembly, jinja


New Major Versions Released! Flask 2.0, Werkzeug 2.0, Jinja 3.0, Click 8.0, ItsDangerous 2.0, and MarkupSafe 2.0. Huge set of releases from the Pallets team. Python 3.6+ required and comprehensive type annotations. Flask now supports async views, Jinja async templates (used extensively by Datasette) “no longer requires patching”, Click has a bunch of new code around shell tab completion, ItsDangerous supports key rotation and so much more.

# 12th May 2021, 5:37 pm / flask, jinja, python, async


datasette-template-sql (via) New Datasette plugin, celebrating the new ability in Datasette 0.32 to have asynchronous custom template functions in Jinja (which was previously blocked by the need to support Python 3.5). The plugin adds a sql() function which can be used to execute SQL queries that are embedded directly in custom templates.

# 15th November 2019, 12:59 am / projects, sql, templates, datasette, jinja


Flask 0.1 Released. Armin’s Flask (a Python microframework built around Werkzeug and Jinja2) is looking pretty solid for a two week old project—extensive documentation, comprehensive unit test support (and example applications with unit tests) and some very tidy API design.

# 16th April 2010, 5:12 pm / armin-ronacher, flask, python, microframeworks, jinja, werkzeug


Replacing Django’s Template Language With Jinja2. Part of Will Larson’s series on taking advantage of Django’s loose coupling.

# 22nd July 2008, 5:18 pm / django, loosecoupling, jinja, python, will-larson

Jinja2 Final aka Jinjavitus Released. The Jinja template engine now has auto-escaping as an optional feature, disabled by default. Worth considering as an almost drop-in replacement for Django’s template language if features such as macros and compilation to Python code appeal to you.

# 19th July 2008, 11:52 pm / jinja, python, autoescaping, django